Netrunner Mafia - Game Over: Mala Tempora

Yes I do and I’ve posted them

Let’s play some mafia here. Does Flygon genuinely believe that you should 100% know he’s town?

The one read I have that is strong enough that I feel the desire to push in thread is my read that Flugon is town and I don’t have great elaboration on it besides simply that their AtE was super towny AtE because it showed real emotion directed at a part of the gamestate that a scum Flygon wouldn’t be feeling that emotion towards (i.e. feeling alone when scum Flygon would have teammates)
I have other reads which you can find in my ISO but they’re not that strong and not things where I think I’m a valuable addition to the thread by pushing them
And do you need convincing with Guava? Be honest with me, am I a player you’re actually listening to? This isn’t directed towards you as much as the thread but like it feels like nobody besides Guava themselves is considering my case and instead is just like “I don’t believe it”. Why don’t you?
Towncase guava for me. Show me I’m wrong besides just calling things villagery.

This uh probably deserves another post weh

This isn’t getting anywhere so I’m going to drop talking to you about it but I want to note for the record that I think you are a good player. The fact that me being right means you are a deepwolf proves that. But to be quite frank I just don’t believe you when you tell me you were thinking about it because it’s too late now that I’ve called you out and I’m probably too deep in the tunnel for us talking to change that.

Disregard everything I jsut said because this feels bad faith to me
Guava is scummy not because they didn’t respond. Guava is scummy because they themselves said the question wasn’t trying to read Caspore and their posts prove they respond to the question to try to explain themselves to Caspore either which leaves the clear Occam’s razor option that the question was asked for the scum motivation of seeming solvy.
Whereas with Vulgard yeah I don’t really care about them and also Arctic but I’m not trying to evince more care about them than I have. I’m just not afraid of their misread and think my role in the thread is better spent going full throttle trying to kill scum

For the record I was only onto GUava late D1 and before that was doing different things
But yes I’ve spent most of my time in thread dealing with Eliza/Flygon/Guava/Caspore
When I don’t have the time or the meta to have great reads on everyone I’d rather have basic reads on most people and try to get myself to a place of confidence on a select few so my presence actually contributes to the thread

Going to ask you one simple question: why does scum penguin think he can do this? I have next to zero thread influence and I’m going after the single player most townread by the thread and if I was scum I killed literally the only other person who agrees with me lol
I’m literally banging my head against a rock trying to show everyone what I see and I feel like scum penguin is smart enough to make reads based on what’s easy and not try to kill the single most townread player by the thread lmao

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I’m now realizing that was slightly disingenuous from Arctic, because it’s not what I meant. Of course you never know someone is 100% town, but I think he should’ve done something about the gamestate. And I also think Flygon was recognizably towny.

I’m not saying he should’ve treated Flygon as an IC. I was pointing out how slowly he “changed his mind” when there was urgency involved. It didn’t feel like he had investment in the EOD and who was getting yeeted, and since the EOD went poorly… it’s wolfy to have had no real investment in it.

With wolf!Flygon I suppose it’s less of a bad look, but then there is the fact that Arctic ultimately voted Eliza. He also didn’t outright defend Flygon, meaning he wouldn’t look as bad if Flygon flipped. The lack of any real commitment to the wagons is bad, even if I’m wrong about Flygon, to be honest.

It’s the inaction I really take issue with. He looked like he was doing things, but it was not going anywhere and never would, the way that he was doing it. Arctic said that the question to Shending could’ve been answered at EoD, but I’m in doubt. The question was the sort you need to think about a fair bit, and it was also asking Shending to dissociate from the EoD.

I already explained this and I shouldn’t talk about this all the time, but yeah.

There’s not much of a towncase, I just find them transparently villagery. Their thoughts about dying night 1 felt spontaneous and genuine. Some of their interactions today evoke the same feelings.

I’m not trying to convince you, I’m asking you to convince me. You clearly have a case, I don’t. I read that case initially and didn’t feel convinced. That’s the only read you seem to care about, which is a problem to me.

We need everybody’s input, reads are valuable to give. Bringing stuff up can help others follow up on it and find somebody’s true alignment. That’s the reason I’ve been giving thoughts on players even when I didn’t believe them to be accurate. Which I always made sure to declare.

Let me ask you this: is that question from guava the only thing you wolfread them for?

tl;dr it hasn’t really lmao

So most of my D1 was spent basically trying to get a grip on the thread. That meant that I was trying to apply pressure/ask questions to try to get a gauge on who was playing with me, pick players to focus on, and take whatever microreads/vibereads I could get along the way
I may as well be new to this site (I crushed Wazza as scum a couple times back in the day but Wazza hasn’t even posted lol) and that means my general tactic of macroreads based on meta understanding of how people can keep up their personas is just not going to work. And the fact I’ve uh had 2 years for my tone reads to get miscalibrated means I’m trying to not rely on them
And that means reading players is a pretty intensive process of trying to dig into posts rather than just reading the thread/ISOs and feeling out the tone/approaches and I don’t have the time to do that for everyone so I’ve mostly been taking quick shortcuts to most players and putting my full thought into a select few. Those few are Eliza/Flygon/Guava (to a lesser extent Caspore but she just gave very towny reactions to my pressure it wasn’t that high effort) which is why I uh have actually evolved and have confidence on them rather than just taking shortcuts to reads based on general impressions/a micro moment or two
Which is why I’m planning to get into meta/ISOs today to get a better grip on more of the game and try to be in a place where I can move to macro
But yeah in short I haven’t really developed that much and have spent more time trying to develop confidence on a select few and then pushed once I became confident one was scum

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Even if I completely ignore the fact I think Flygon was town and almost MLed, the inaction is still a problem. Arctic was simply slow to do anything and didn’t look like he cared about anything that was going on, at least to me. And given how terrible EoD was (unless Flygon is a wolf, but then his treatment of Flygon is still a problem), yeah.

Ngl, if Guava and Flygon are wolves then I am terrible at this game.

@Ashlyn What are your reads on these two?

Then give me something where you’d actually listen to my thoughts. Like it’s frustrating to pour my whole energy into what I’m confident in and have it not listened to and to be quite frank 25% energy penguin is not any more likely to be listened to
I’m trying to make my thread presence actually contribute value to this game rather than giving an underdeveloped read nobody cares about

No I literally wrote a whole case on them which the fact you’re asking me about this proves you have not read lmao
They treated Eliza in a way that was very hypocrisy=scum which they feel like a better player than than to do
They treated Caspore in a pocketing way. Both through their response to the infamous question but also earlier when they were like “YES WHAT A GOOD POINT” to Caspore saying Eliza was scummy for hypocrisy
They didn’t care during a EoD that I think scum didn’t try to push anything in
They haven’t felt genuinely solvy to me at all

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I mean, “I’ve listened but I don’t agree” is all I can say to you there.

As for the rest… I’ll ISO guava.

Thoughts on the people on your wagon?

Who is my wagon lmao

Click the hammer icon underneath your post.

Oh my god this feature is incredible
Kanave is the vig and so they’re town
Other two were both in my nullpile though I actually have put moderate effort into attempting and failing to understand what comprises an Arctic whereas I just kinda ignored Magnus yday because trying to read a sub in the first day after entering the thread is a fools errand
But sure I’ll put work into ISOing them. I hope you are open to listening to what I’m saying rather than just sticking to your already existing opinion regardless of what I find

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Yeah, some good shit has been added lately.

That’s what I’m doing rn, I have Guava’s ISO open. Though it doesn’t look like I’ll be doing it now because I’m occupied elsewhere.

Will try to give an opinion later.

That’s okay all I’m asking is that I’m listened to and I uh think that when I’m listened to you’ll realize that I’m onto something but weh

Magnus ISO, ignoring D1 because lolsubs

dumb penguin being dumb

I want to call this wolfy use of elipses even though it’s objectively dumb

I kinda like the attitude of saying in thread he was hoping someone would bring up suspicion on me? It’s in the category of posts thinking about the gamestate that scum would normally throw in scumchat rather than expressing in thread

That’s uh very little of note but probably a townlean? weh

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Arctic ISO

So putting my fair warning before I do this that Arctic just like does not make sense to me so far
I threw a snapvote on him in RVS because he seemed like the kind of person who posts freeflowing and so a snapvote would provoke an interesting reaction
But then when I followed up it became clear he isn’t as freeflowing as he looks which means regardless of his alignement who is he and he’s clearly a good player so micro stuff doesn’t ping either way so how the heck do you read him on macro
With that out of the way

Knowing Eliza is town his treatment of her in 335 feels kinda fueling a fire without wanting to be seen as lighting it? But then he kinda does keep pushing Eliza through EoD weh
This is not AI but “it’s basically exploiting wifom in a way that’s lamist” is such a funny phrase to me lmao
They feel probably better than to scumread someone for tunneling them like they’ve done with Flygon. Like telling Shending the wagons were probably v/v (I may be misreading context but it looked like Flygon/Kanave wagons then) and then feeling okay voting Flygon because of the tunnel on him is just so incredibly weh
I’m curious at the Squirrel/Gorta comparison and if he actually drew any alignment from it

@Arctic can you reproduce your deleted one paragraph case about my EoD even if you don’t actually agree with it?

@NotArctic I guess I’m just kinda confused about how Arctic operates. Like does he normally hardpush people or is the no hard pushes have EoD preferences (see Eliza push) his M.O.? Does he play so explictly to be in a threadstate that likes him more even as town (see Flygon)? Because parts of how Arctic’s play makes me think this is fine and in character and other parts make me think it’s anything but. I’d want to TR the transparent parts of him but then there are the inconsistencies that push me towards feeling scumread
I guess on net I’m at light scum but it’s just so dependent on the person and I don’t get the person lol

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I’m here to say I’ll be here around 9pm GMT, thought the day started today not yesterday, completely lost track of time

In work atm, wifi is bad so I’ll interact later, I do have two scumreads from when I read in the night


It was bad faith because as I mentioned after Kana responded to that message by voting you, I don’t even really think that was scummy I was just annoyed you said it because it was hypocritical

Is that what bad faith is idfk

This is a hilarious world