Python? Excel?
I have been using manual tables ever since last game.
(Manual tables and math. Math definitely helped plotting the tables.)
Well that’s a bit different than my version. (For one it was a death game, so the game ended only after one of the “players” died (and their partner shared their fate.)
spoiler how the game worked in the manga
In that version they used a standard deck, and their partner made a poker hand for them based on the number the participants chose, but each card could be only used once, diring the whole game. (Well, they didn’t have to figure out the mechanic behind the game.)
Once both player chose their number, they bidded for airtime represented via air tanks. (They played under water) and the winner took each bidded air tank from the loser. (If you fold your hand you would lose, obviously)
damn thats metal asf
Decent chance my dad disowns me if he ever lays eyes upon the beast I’ve created in the Enigma Machine.
Realizing that I’m not gonna have access to the Enigma Machine for the bulk of the game (I’m going somewhere for President’s Day weekend, and I’m not taking my computer with me).
Uh oh.
It’s fine, it’s fine.
my existing python knowledge has quickly hit its cap vs. what I want to do. I have (for better or worse) a surprisingly free 3 day weekend in which I will probably spend figuring out how to build my behemoth
this game is a secret plot to get people to learn Python
if you want, you can get @benguinedparbecue to teach you about R, and he can explain how he loves that language
Welcome to Number Poker.
is 3 days enough time to figure out how to make python understand what combos of cards add up to what poker hands, and then figure out if the best poker hand for a number in a given world of values is the same as the actual one in the game?
probably not, that seems beyond convoluted, but maybe lord and saviour stackexchange can save me
The problem is that I’m pretty sure there are multiple plausible answers, so it comes down to figuring out what pattern Marluna’s found through the special guesses.
It’s possible - I did the exact thing you’re doing now - but it’s gonna be hell all the way down.
Round 4 results
- Squirrel - 4 of a kind [191]
- Marshal - 4 of a kind [joker]
- Ash - full house [19]
- Zone - full house [54]
Everyone should have recieved their answers
Squirrel gains 3, Marshal gains 2, Ash gains 1 special guess(es)
Round 5 (and the 24 hour deadline) starts now.
I actually feel better after going on stackoverflow, mostly because it helped me figure out I could represent cards as numbers 0-39 and calculate best hand that way, instead of defining suit and rank and then figuring out how to get it to understand those. makes everything else a lot easier.
Ironically, even though I have the weakest hand in Round 4, I feel like I have gained the most out of it.
For instance, I know roughly what Ash’s hand consists of. (It’s going to be very important for solving the values of the lowest numbered cards.)
I gotta say though… being the one with the least amount of information after 4 Rounds doesn’t feel good. (The amount of DNS is miserable.)
Ash and Marshal are dominating the lower numbers. Squirrel has the most Four of a Kinds. As for me… Well, I have to expand my knowledge somehow. Even if it means getting DNS for at least three Rounds out of the remaining six.
The thing about me and trading at the moment is: I don’t think I have anything anyone wants yet. I tried to give free information about [198] at the beginning, but that failed miserably when it was revealed that [198] resulted in a DNS.
My other DNS also didn’t exactly help me out, though it did give me a miniscule amount of insight regarding the numbers.
New topic. I am rather curious why Ash and Marshal have already popped off their [Joker] wildcards, and I fear I might have ideas as to why they were used. This thought is the reason why I believe they already have information about the lower numbered cards.