Owl House FM - Town wins!

You need to bold it. But also the odds of that being granted is so slim


sicky boy

Yeah. Willing to give Frost a townread for that wish idea.

Read feels fake, slightly perfomative since Leafia wasn’t exactly doing something that a wolf wouldn’t do.

I’ve not been a fan of Luka interactions with Icet. Slightly unpaired but it feels like Luka trying to push someone in bad faith.

As a slot they’ve been incredibly flip-flopy with their votes. Which feels more like a wolf who’s new to a site trying to find their footing rather than a town with actual progression. Luka seems to be wanting to see what sticks.

I feel like it was an attempt to lightly pocket Leaf, acting like they’re making reads when they’re moreso trying to just find footing and see what sticks. There’s no real consistency thus far

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Eh, dont give me too much credit.

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Okay. Townlean then.

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@Multiverse @Zorvo just because you asked for the reasoning. Here.

Public role cop has 1 benefit: It’s basically unfakeable.

And 1 huge downside: We could accidentally reveal someone and wolves might be able to just murk them, since we don’t know what wolves have.

So while it sounds OP, it does have a downside. Just not a big enough one I feel like


I feel like public rolecop would never get accepted not because it’s op but because it’s boring for everyone

We reveal a wolf town is bored we just hammer that and move on
We reveal a town wolves are bored their kill is forced — we also all know exactly who’s gonna die

Like there could be protectives in play but just in general everyone knowing someone’s role is really boring to me :man_shrugging:t2:


If you mean my actual name no
im TodaysStory everywhere now


I sort of disagree with you here but I do agree that it probably won’t be granted.

I’ll be honest, my intention as of this moment is to vote to give titan’s blood to Frost. As I think his wish is almost always +ev for town.

If it benefits you Frost and you would want it, you’re a relatively safe target. We get more info (hopefully) as time goes on

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I wish for a neighbourhood with min and abigail


do u think u could explain why? like what posts do you see that make you think “oh yea this is town zorvo”

Yeah. I’m fine with giving Titan’s blood to Frost D1.

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…Abigail is in this game?

i never said she was in this game


Who is Abigail?