Owl House FM - Town wins!

Or I don’t want my good friend Eliza to get d1’d again because I enjoy playing with her and the one time I got her to not get d1’d she was nightkilled

What if she’s a wolf though?

Then we kill her. Later

There is more than one day in the game

And I have been waiting for arete game for a long while since Trials and Tribulations.

I’m aware of that. Al L I’m saying is that you shouldn’t protect someone solely because you like playing with them. Especially when they aren’t even under any pressure or threat.

But since you make me curious about Eliza, I give it a read.

For what, voting Millium?

If I was in Eliza’s shoes I would have quit forum mafia all together because I would assume that y’all just didn’t like me

No. I’m just saying that ot’s possible that she’s a wolf. Not that she is one.

Zorvo still town honestly
Hi everyone

Who said it wasn’t

Except it is, im not going to call someone a wolf when they have the same reads as me, that weird

If I was like that,I would’ve done so long ago with how often I’ve been D1d as town. 4-5 times in a row at one point.

Except it isn’t because why can’t he be a wolf with the same fake reads as your real ones if you’re town?

Having the same reads as someone else isn’t AI.

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Uhhm yes it is, its a very common read to make, so extremely common that its baffling to me that you are legitimately claiming this

I wish for a vig shot

The exact mechanic that someone cannot get titans blood twice. So if we vote someone for it twice in a row instead it looks to the player who has not had titan’s blood with the most votes. Meaning it’s possible evils will get to coordinate their votes and hand it to a teammate by surprise.

I fully read the OP. And my explanation was perfect. So nice try there buddy, you’re not going to catch me out with weak reasoning like that

Millium, reads can easily be faked by wolves.