Owl House FM - Town wins!

Jareks claim felt like an obvious joke imo, I just consider it NAI. Dont have much else to respond to here.

While I do agree ive seen town do it before and wolves do it before.

It depends on the read, the act itself isnt AI, but the read in question can be. If mill believes its a super strong read(Which they shouldnt) then it can be AI.

If this read is a common read to make on this site thats actually sad.

Dont really like this wish, there are much better to make imo.

Can also be healed by scum, I do 100% agree its more townie than a vig shot. Wishes should be a bit more impactful imo.

Give specific exmaples? Just saying my reads and votes feel fake is kinda BS. Please point out reasoning that felt forced / didn’t feel natural, or you feel a wolf can come to a better conclsuion to.

Relatable, happened to me last game I played >:c. Despite this tho, I feel like there are still better wishes. IE: Id prefer a instant one use public reveal rather than a shot.

I do like this logic, town lean on Kiiruma.

Depends. If it was specified with a guilt mechanic I would agree, but without that it can just be a one shot wolf kill. I wouldn’t really call it generally townie here. Id have prefered something like a public reveal / cop shot.

Its mostly NAI, but a small town lean. The lean isnt very strong ofc
I think that even if the post was townie its NAI and pushing to kill somebody makes 0 sense overall.
Ive alredy stated this multiple times.

Town lean on frostwolf, this is 100% a townie wish.

Adorable + Townie wish

Confused af on the millium town lean for the wish
Kind of hate your reads so far, small scum lean

Townie wish

Its a town lean. Its a weak one. Ive stated numerous times during this thread that reads arent meant to be strong early game. As for my interactions with icet, im hardly pushing on them at all. I noted something early game and voted them, but its mostly RVS. This is kinda BS.
While I am new to this site, ive played multiple mafia games and have a understanding of how this works. I dont know how id need to find my footing; while I have no meta reads on most players I find that that doesnt actually affect me so much, having played with so many new people and on so many pieces.

There is 100% consistency. My reads are fairly constant throughout this game and im not changing them very much, unless I note a statment as townie or scummy. If I do so, I always note the statement. I hate this logic.

Sad but okay.

I agree so far. Im fine with frost having titans bloood.

Fun player.



Townie wish

Im still here TwT

There are much more OP ones. Becoming an innocent child is a strong wish but we know nothing about how wish works. We cant confidently say that it wont come true, nor that it will come true, unless youre the role in question thats causing this. If you are, please do not out.



are you trying to incriminate yourself?

I think its quite clear what I am going to do.

Vote Count

Zorvo (3): min, Multiverse, guavagudetama
Leafia (2): Jarek, Apocryphal
Millium (2): IcetFeelsPain, Leafia
IcetFeelsPain (1): ElizaThePsycho
Mutliverse (1): Luka
Multiverse (1): Zorvo
Luka (1): Kiiruma
Frostwolf103 (1): Cape90

Not Voting (5): Frostwolf103, Kork, Wazza, TodaysStory, Millium

Does owl house have nuclear bombs is that why most people didn’t think I was joking? Serious question like honestly

Would a wolf wish for this so soon?

How does this benefits town me?

I don’t see how any of this is confusing, esp from the POV that Luka also suspected Millium too for basically the same thing

I dont rhink seth is crazy enough to be a wolf

Blocking players is against the rules right
Okay then I will just mentally ignore Zorvo for the rest of the game kthx

Congrats on getting your wish granted Mkn. It was me behind the wish granting thing. There w ed re some rules involving i TV though. I couldn’t claim or even soft it before the wish got granted. The wish couldn’t grant killpower or do anything publicly revealable. I also don’t know exactly how the wish was granted. It was also a one use thing.


what did zorvo do that warranted this :sob:

No one likes being attacked, but is that necessary?


Ok leafia very likely town off that

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I wanted to grant Frost’s wish but was told that it wasn’t grantable due to the rules.

thank u :3

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You’re welcome. ^_^

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Ah boooo

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i figured u were the wish giver honestly but i didnt wanna rlly point that out lmao

this is incredibly baller hopefully ion die

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