Owl House FM - Town wins!

That’s not a bad thing right


I mean I do play FM selfishly because dying sucks means I don’t get to play any more

I’ve forgotten that one

i mindmeld with the last part

doing my part by saying luka honestly town tbh

Is being self-centered a bad thing in a game like this

tbhtbh hes town

the scumreads on him are honestly poor and his response seems defensive in a villa way

i mindmelded the same problem with zorvo’s read- its bold and honestly not a read u make against someone who u literally may have never played w

wdym by this

like where do u see it

its not necessarily a bad thing, i mean I think when u are a wolf u spend a ton of time focusing on yourself, while your town game has a better split of like 80% other people and 20% you

we are currently melding on leafia, which is a good reason to like you, and ur continued posting looks better than your entrance

This is valuable information for me to prove upon :sunglasses:

And also entirely true I worry too much about how I look

hue hue im such a contrarian guys

im so fuckgin unique :face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes:

LMAO WTF am i going on about

anyways i need to head to bed, early work
min is likely town also


Well considering that when Leafia came in it was leafia’s first post, and the post they quoted was also one of the first posts, to make any kind of assumption that someone is “relaxed” so they must be town when 0 pressure has been applied to them, and they are literally just dropping in, is what I would call forced - a forced read for the sake of making one. And forward, as in, I guess just direct.

It’s more forced than anything else ignore the forward part.

I don’t think anyone comes into a game at SOD1 dripping with sweat assuming everyone is out to get them and decides to demonstrate that mindset in text personally I haven’t had that problem maybe it’s a me thing

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i guess i do understand your perspective here

im unsure if i agree with it but im using my 3 remaining braincells to at least understand LOL

i still have leafia at null, cuz shes homestly a wildcard to me


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VOTE: Zorvo


…why is blud voting for himself​:sob::sob:

luka jarek trs so far

dont want to d1 mill so tbh i may just stuff that guy in my d1 towncore lol

zorvo/leafia w/w equity but in the way that i believe if leafia is a wolf zorvos read on luka may be tmi

i definitely believe theres a nonzero chance for it to be a generally pockety read though. in general zorvo should be getting pressure imo