Owl House FM - Town wins!


zirbo :newspaper_roll:

hey!!! :newspaper_roll:

anyways frostwolf is probably town for

this response


VOTE: IcetFeelsPain


havenā€™t looked into but for the cred

ill wack you all with newspapers

I hate WIFOM and would treat it as NAI tbh

Can you explain what town ev means

I believe in you

Townie statement

Nope, said in the post that it was lasting an hour.

53% town (very small small town lean)

Scum wouldnt normally be this audacious

At this point yes, I agree. It would at the very least be extremely weird.

From what Ive seen I dont tihnk leafeon will be executed(I will continue to call you leafeon till the end of time), at this point they have no major votes on them that are. AI, and they have no scummy statements. Unless they slip I dont want them flipped today

This is genuinly so frustrating when people do it

Townie post, wolves claiming mech stuff d1 is weird.

This is a se moment of all time

Have your thoughts on leafeon changed?

How do my posts feel awful in any way?

I have not watched the show nor will I ever

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good for town

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If itā€™s super protown, then maybe, just maybe, itā€™s town. Have you ever thought of that Kiiruma?

you are a lot more LAMIST here then you were when i suspected you in FAM i will give you that

Multiverse is probably frustrated town
Zorvo is town
Min is town
Leafia is probably town
Frost is probably town
Luka is my least confident likely town

Id look into icet/Apoc/Guava

Iā€™m not being LAMIST here. Not really anyway. Maybe a little.

Yeah, I think Leafia is leaning towny to me from the little I have caught up on


In terms of leafia/luka
I dont think two wolves are dog piling me over calling one a wolf. Realistically that never happens or happens very little

Probably just a townie ability.
I now just straight up town read leafeon I think

I explained it now

Leafia is one of the players who uses LAMIST the most. Itā€™s NAI for her really.

Iā€™m wolf leaning Leaf. Not as much as Luka, feels off. But Luka is a 3 on the Kiiruma read list, Leafia is a 4.

Im Taking Notes Oomfie

im fine with keeping my vote on Icet, who I wish I could talk more about because of how null they are right now

I would like to see them develop a worldview :slight_smile:

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Respond to my thoughts on you or your points are invalid
You dont need to read everything, just the ones that are directed towards you

UNVOTE for now. Millium is looking a bit better. Going to head off for the time being too. :sleepingleafeon:

Bai bai
