Owl House FM - Town wins!

No not really.
Didn’t like their entrance but they did explain their read afterwards and pinged those concerned such as myself.

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I probably won’t vote Kiiruma today but If Multi is wolf that flips today, I might just consider voting Kiiruma tomorrow.

Nah actually I definitely would vote them tomorrow in that scenario, for at least pressure.

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Also Guava.
Did you vote me before or after Mill re-called me Town?
Because if you voted me after I do think you could have wolf equity with Mill if Mill is Wolf.

Zorvo misreads Kiiruma as a wolf, man… never expected that for a sec

My brother in Christ I like every post

It’s true, she does



still barely beating Wind tho

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Alright, now that I got time, here you go:

Zorvo in my opinion has a very definitive town meta, it’s kinda obvious when there’s a contrast between both his metas and it’s one I feel I’m growing accustomed to

Basically, he’s much more laid back while still being controlling of the game, he’s more passionate with his thoughts although allows for room to be contradicted or put up against, honestly it’s mostly a definitive reason on why he’s not in his mafia meta which is that he’s very brash as mafia, he doesn’t back down he just slams and slams onto a point, here in the opening of the game he already seems indecisive with his thoughts and he’s making himself transparent, things I usually only see from town Zorvo.

As mafia he usually keeps his thoughts to himself only spilling them upon a push and even then he shows little to no progression regarding it just hopping from point to point with seemingly no thoughts put behind it, as town his thoughts are spewed into the thread showing the progression for all to see, that’s why I believe he’s town tbh.

I don’t remember anything they’ve said about your alignment

I feel like you could check that though

Thank you Kiiruma for the wishlist, here’s my thoughts on all of them basing it on what a generic wishing session would entail:


Mid-wish, probably won’t be granted in a generic wishing session.

Decent, higher chance to be granted than a vig-shot but lower chance to be granted overall.

Actually unironically a good wish, kinda forgot about this mechanic however.

Based wish, same thing as Kiiruma though.

Just a stupid wish tbh, if this is coming from the mafia and they’re forced to pick I’m going to guess they’re granting you a “:spaghetti:” emoji, funny though so thank you.

Interesting wish, I do not believe it will be granted in a generic wishing session though due to it being borderline a cop check.

Same as above but a much higher chance to be granted.

Definitely wouldn’t be granted, decent wish tbh.

Decent wish once again, highly doubt it gets granted.

Honestly this wishing session probably means literally nothing imo, but just something to discuss.


You havent liked one of my posts since the game starts I dont think this is discrimination

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They liked this

True(I forgot that existed)


omg I was liked aaa

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That is until it’s revealed by Leafia that she’s the one with the wish session and picked Min, because its not allowed to grant wishes with killing power or revealing public info.

So Min asked for mason buddy,

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I just don’t see mod confirmation so i guess we never know now.



I’m sold