Owl House FM - Town wins!




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Vote Count

IcetFeelsPain (3): ElizaThePsycho, Cape90, Luka
Leafia (3): Apocryphal, Kiiruma, Jarek
Zorvo (2): min, Multiverse
Multiverse (2): Zorvo, guavagudetama
Millium (1): IcetFeelsPain

Not Voting (6): Frostwolf103, Kork, Wazza, TodaysStory, Millium, Leafia

Not the nya’s again


im gonna explode

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Not the lowposter again

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Pfft, its all right I won’t tell I got the informed my wish is granted.


VOTE: Leafia

Get Leafia outta here

I am trying to cope here

One of these people has to be lying we always flip one

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And I much prefer the supposedly spent and wolfy Leafia vs the generally towny Frost

On serious note, what’s up with Leafia?

It’s also that like
If we flip her we see if she’s a wish granter
If we flip him all we learn is his alignment
Leafia can be town and lying so this could be t/t but if we flip Frost we’d still have to flip Leafia to know for sure where as if we flip a t!Leafia but she’s not wish granter it’s solved

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Lying (according to you, I think?), has seemed to spew a few people too

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I mean, no one really believed her
But yeah
If Frost’s wish is granted and Leafia says she didn’t grant his wish… direct contradiction

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Like who, Min for instance?

Its not far-fetched that most of the wishes are either killing power or wanting publicly announced.

The session also ended within one hour, so unless you think that was modpost that tricked us?