Owl House FM - Town wins!

Leafia has spewed Luka somewhat. The way they’ve interacted has been HIGHLY suspect

Exactly my thoughts. This is just what we should be doing. Odds are in our favour

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You see the hand? Woosh now you don’t.

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HIS HAND IS GONE :raised_hand:t2::no_entry_sign:

Its behind my head

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that was so cool
I would make a pjsekai sticker saying “that was so cool” but I’m stuck on this stupid bus and my phone browser has the maximum number of tabs


But you know, Leafia could have signalled me or something if she seriously intended to grant my wish if it wasn’t restricted by some sensible rules.

not revealing if i could r not

wifom moment

wait so leafia says no killing or public wishes
min asks for a mason chat with someone which is super ambigious?
and their wish was granted?

can anyone confirm this was stated?

@Leafia so did you grant Frost’s wish

guess what

idk but i definitely got an


what happens if Min is a wolf, and gets a mason buddy?
do they pick it?
is it random?

i feel like as a mod I would just turn this into a neighborizing shot, because it gets a bit finicky otherwise, and really powerful

though last time i wished for a suicide bomb and got it, so who knows lmao

Next time I wish to remove restrictions for the next wish

Hah! Got em.

i mean realistically, do u think a wolf makes up something as silly as this?