Owl House FM - Town wins!

There’s a direct contradiction so Leafia always dies today

You know the question I asked to was meant for Leafia right? Its kinda funny that more people voted because I apparently said something stupid, but I couldn’t help it you know.

Why do you wolf read me?
And if you wolf read me why are you not voting me?

i mean why do any of this?
also why would lying and still be town cross ur mind?

I dont see a world where leafia is not a wish granter and also town
and i dont see a world where frost is a wolf solely for claiming to have been granted a wish even if that turns out to no be the case

I mean if it was mod post, that would have been announced as such right.

I do agree I was kinda let down that Leafia out of all people would announce the news about the wishing session result, wouldn’t be publicly known aswell?

What about that one game that is around wishes? Does it go that way too?

I don’t read you. At all

Kinda limited on time on my breaks.

im not sure i care about anything surrounding the question, just guava’s interpretation, which feels aggressive, just like every stance and vote they’ve made so far

normally u dont assume wolves randomly lie with no gain, u think, “probably town”, at least in this scenario

We’re on FoL I’m not expecting much from anyone including myself

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Because it has happened before


I definitely brought this up earlier but in my last game a townie lied about their ability and two of them lied about their alignment


thats great but im not going to change how i think about certain tells, because yall are an enigma

where, and whats the context? were their other means to find them?
if it was done by frost, frost is 100% a wolf here

There was no announcement of who got a wish granted, the whole terms and conditions thing seems fake, plus you gained the wish despite Leaf saying they just gave it to Min…

Choose me.
Especially if the item is like:
Choose a player, if they are Town join a chat with them.
If they are mafia, you will be told and not share a chat with them.

If that’s your item, you should use it on me.

Its still behind my head, that hand.

Where is what sorry

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Are you saying you were lying to reaction test me and guava?

Pfft, I did lie. But you guys took it seriously. But I didn’t test you or anything.

Where’s the sense of humor man.

Oh gagged

Then what the fuck did you just say???

Restate this for me like I’m 5.