Owl House FM - Town wins!

great scott

Pseudo - Meaning: Sham, disingenuous
Perma - Short for permanent

It is spelled correctly in its entirety.

Fuck maybe I choose Kork?

Is it fuck up I have no confident town read except maybe Min?

I’m voting Frost. Unless town wants to consensus vote Guava, as Guava is the only other towny person atm


I think you missed your mistake

u should town read me

JUST to make it more clear for you.

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Guava is not towny at all. I am however. Along with Millium, Zorvo, Luka, and Frost.

Oh I see what you mean but nah, I see it as if I have that permanent vote on me.
Not as in your vote being permanently on me.

I just see a [+1 vote on Kiiruma] as a general modification forever whenever you exist.

I agree with exactly 1 of these.

Nah it’s like In my mind I think you can be wolf.

GTH Kiiruma and Guava work. Kiiruma and Multi also work.

Still going with my gut and using meta that Guava and Multi aren’t wolves together.

also I’d argue luka and Cape are both town


Luka yes and Cape maybe.

and even eliza

Cape, sure I can get behind that maybe.
Not sure about Luka.

I still am unsure on you.

Yeah. Eliza probably town.

Disney+ I know for sure has it


89.7564% certain your wolfing because of this

(Reason, The Collector is the name of of the antagonists of the owl house, I’m not completely certain because he does reform himself by the end, but like, nya)

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Frost is the only towny one amongst that list.
Maybe Millium too, but Frost is still more towny than Millium