Owl House FM - Town wins!

Magnus literally not only broke meta but left no trace of them being a wolf.
The only reason and evidence Merpy found to vote them was how their partners treated the slot nothing to do with Magnus.

Magnus had a flawless wolf performance.

Quoting this so when people read my iso they can see me quoting this and bring it back up

ok? what does that have to do with Jarek?

This feels like itā€™s getting into personal insult territory at least I certainly feel attacked to a certain degree, Hows about we talk about someone else.

You want this?
We should avoid MLā€™s if possible.

Flawless Town Game would be cool beans.

Vote Count

Leafia (4): Apocryphal, Kiiruma, Jarek, IcetFeelsPain
IcetFeelsPain (2): Cape90, Luka
Zorvo (2): min, Multiverse
Jarek (2): Leafia, Millium
Millium (1): Zorvo

Not Voting (6): Frostwolf103, iamagummybear, Wazza, TodaysStory, guavagudetama, ElizaThePsycho

It has to do with Meta being a terrible argument.
If Jarek is a wolf Iā€™ll give but if they are town it just proves my point.

Probably one of my worst games went into that one burnt out on FM was pretty low effort throughout Iā€™m not really suprised anyone found me that game and it was only through my teammates that I got bailed out and managed to live

Also solidified my thought process that in some of these games town just doesnā€™t even try

dude if im wrong, ill add it to the list, if someone breaks meta and snows me, good on them, i love seeing good wolves

otherwise i dont think its common, and Jaroks responses are god awful, and its fucking beyond baffling that u dont see it, but would rather harrass me, and defend a slanking Eliza, who does absolutely jack shit for any topic they are in

Jarekā€™s best wolf game was their first one in my first game I hosted on here, UFO Sightings.

Show me similarityā€™s here.

I fail to see how genuine answers are anything other than genuine, but Iā€™m both being ignored and nobody is explaining anything aside from accusing.

I think vulgard is a good wolf, but ive caught both his wolf games in his first few posts

you are so fucking nitpicky its insane

u truly are awful to interact with jesus christ man

taking a break

Youā€™re both making me extremely uncomfortable to be here Iā€™m not gonna lie

Iā€™m being talked about and defended and accused and neither of you care to even interact with me at all, If you want me dead I appreciate that I really do but shutting me out of your mind because of that is a poor decision

If youā€™re a wolf Iā€™ll admit your really going guts in on me eh?

Iā€™ll give you benefit of the doubt, I donā€™t mean to seem difficult to work with but plz compare this with UFO for me.

WTF am I doing?