Owl House FM - Town wins!

Buddy, your in my town reads.

This back and forth you both have in general is awkward because itā€™s about me, I canā€™t help but feel a bit responsible

id rather not interact with you, since i already know exactly how u are going to respond, given youā€™ve responded in ways that dont say anything, nor do they change my mind

That isnā€™t a healthy mindset to have if youā€™re looking to solve the game, if you donā€™t mind me saying.

no this is about Zorvoā€™s town meta, which is twisting posts to unbelievable degrees to convince them self they are right and everyone else is wrong

They basing their read on you due to meta.
I donā€™t really enjoy meta reads.
But Iā€™ll budge if they can provide a similarity from UFO Sightings.

meta reading me is a mistake that people will learn not to make in the future, this game shall serve as one of many examples

Outdated Meta. :clap:

If Iā€™m wrong, show me Iā€™m wrong.

You dive into UFO yet?

I am not meta-able because I have no clue what Iā€™m doing I just exist and do whatever I feel is right, most of the time that happens to be defending myself because I donā€™t feel right accusing other people when I donā€™t even know if Iā€™m correct, and most of the time Iā€™m not

Jarek said this once before, and they were town.

Just saying.

Also did Mill even actually look at any of your town games? Lol.

I appreciate it but I can say that as a wolf too

Should show me UFO and a Town game of yours tbh if they wish to try and convince me or show their meta read more clearly.

I donā€™t think anything is going to budge involving me either way and this conversation feels like itā€™s going nowhere, people will find me as town if I do whatever it is theyā€™re looking for me to do, Iā€™ve never figured out what it is people like exactly

Iā€™m aware.

Wonā€™t be hard for me to realize my mistake and vote you if your a wolf tbh.

outdated in what way, ur alignment lol
u have not changed in the slightest, i know exactly how u treat ur wolf reads, and town leans, and players overall

you posting is still wolfy regardless

I donā€™t see what part of it is aside from being I guess mostly fluffposting if Iā€™m overly critical of myself?

The wrong and right shit.

Ok. :ok_hand:
Whatever you say.

you also have a habit of swaping reads on the dime, which is why im not even suprised u think im a wolfy for calling out Elizaā€™s vote