paint chain (28/28) chloe has won the election (revealed)

Painter 9: eepy

What the hell kinda birthday parties does eepy go to?!

Why are the vibes so ominous? Where’s literally anyone else? Did the sobbing emoji just get ignored?

Impressive technique by the girl but kinda messed up to be the only guest just to kick a cake into the birthday person…

and most of all…



This image looks like something I’d find in a mid 2010’s indie horror game


good timing…

Describer 10: @Myrddin

Not much to say about this one; the scene of the birthday has been mostly lost outside of the cake itself. The kick is now officially a karate kick, which feels about right.

And They Typed It Like This, Thank You Myrddin


Painter 10: @May

Okay well the intent was for the background to just make you physically nauseous by employing perspective in a drawing that feels like it really shouldn’t . But then I got carried away thinking about interiors. And it looks much less sickening when coloured. So here it is

I felt like adding their little writeup to this to expose that our recently promoted moderator is attempting to make me feel nauseous, which is super messed up. Moderators are supposed to be empathetic or something.

As for the drawing itself, the perspective definitely is a bit jarring. Every time I look at it I notice a new detail, such as the roof of another house being seen through the left window. Or. Wait, what the fuck why is the tiling in the kitchen inconsistent. This is OUTRAGEOUS

The sob face looks more like a plate now outside of the tears actually being on the table – maybe a tablecloth? It feels too flat to be an actual person. I was about to comment on how the karate belt is on backwards but actually I think it’s correct?

All in all this is among the most impressive paintings I’ve seen so far and I really like it minus the fucking tiling may why is the tiling like that may what the hell


0.5x painting


What the fuck is this


Describer 11: @Youbutworse

Before we get to their actual submission, I would like to out this describer as being incorrect and stupid.

That is all.

Speaking of being incorrect – lounging?!

Look, the rest of the description is good, I could question it more but there’s a lot of details so obviously something is gonna fall through the cracks. But that girl is not lounging, youbie! That’s a whole ass kick! She’s wearing a karate outfit! There’s MOTION!!!


I feel strongly about this subject.

Anyway, singling out the breadbox is fun and I appreciate it.

But that girl is not lounging. I’m too infuriated* by this to turn it into a “you but worse” joke. You don’t even deserve it.

*The paint host is enjoying this very much.


A Far More Detailed Setting Than Has Been Seen Prior

Perhaps The Word She Meant Was Lunging?

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Painter 11: @Bionic

See, his ass is lounging.

There is something magical about probably the most detailed painting being followed up by this. It’s endearing.

Poor birthday cake, though.


i wish my legs could do that




oh no


Describer 12: @Hehehaha420blazing

The birthday cake is now a lemon. The karate girl has fully transformed into a swagful baldy. The bread is now prominent.

Not gonna lie, I’m surprised the :sob: cake lasted this long.


nah im with youbie on this. the line between karate and lounging is far too blurry in this society


they are mid kick that is not lounging you’re both going to the pound

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lemons have lemon rights
say no to making lemons into lemon cakes


In advance, I am not sorry :saluting_face:


Painter 12: @beancat

(the original image was rotated but I didn’t feel like making people turn their head to view it)

Now the bread is the swagful one. The lemon is crying, but really I thought that was the swagful baldy until just now. The baldy is nowhere to be seen.

The girl went from a cute painting, into [REDACTED], into a karate kid, and now is no more. Pour one out for her. :pensive:


It could easily have been seen as… metaphorical. but sure, keep covering for The Man