to be completely honnest

First of all, I must regretfully inform you that I am not in fact a mafia 1-shot janitor. It was a fun bit, but I realized halfway through that it makes it difficult to actually give any read or anything in a serious way. I may pull it back out for a quick quip but I canā€™t keep it the whole game :(

With that said,

is an actual read. Between the immediate claim and noncommittal read on me, feels wolfy. Then again, I vaguely remember frequently pushing on leafia in the past on what turned out to be playstyle, and I canā€™t remember if this is the same. So I feel confident (as much as one can D1), but if checks playerlist for other names I recognize chloe could remind me if this is typical V!leafia thatā€™d be great. But still, as a player with a role, I spent a fair bit of time thinking of possible +town fakeclaims and getting information about my role. At the very least, while Iā€™m glad we found out that vanillized claim triggers anticlaim, Iā€™m a bit dissappointed that she claimed just to reveal ā€œsomeone might get vanillizedā€.

My only other read is ash, slightly >rand wolf for basically piggybacking/copying my entrance, even though I guess I kinda invited him to.

Aaaand now the great catch-up begins, a nice managable 200 or so. Starting at 2024-04-28T04:19:00Z, lessgo

Hi, welcome to the thread @/Memekingpizza and @/catbae

Iā€™d like to believe this, but also my head wants to tunnel ash/chloe w/w instead. Can anyone else whoā€™s played with ash confirm this?

wrong, I already told yā€™all Iā€™m the mafia janitor

Didnā€™t react atm, but I feel like calling out their own misread (literally and figuratively) is likely >rand town. Iā€™ma keep watching this slot tho.

Well thatā€™s a wrinkle. I thought this claim had to be fake considering t and w wincons and mechanics. But Iā€™d still like to know why @leafia. Unless zone is actually just lazy

I mean, you are supposed to paraphrase all private communications. If this role is real, it probably says ā€œregardless of alignmentā€, or was clarified by leafia in pm. Your explanation of w!leafia with that role also makes sense. Still donā€™t understand why sheā€™d claim as v tho

I think I agree with this for mostly the same reason as with chloe. tutuuā€™s first posts were a bit off-putting but like in an intentional way, I like this tutuu a bit more.

Idk much about bystanderā€™s usual posting style, but this also feels not w/v on them.

Like I said, Iā€™m glad we figured that out but you claimed without any idea that your vanillization and the anticlaim interact. If you truly didnā€™t know about the role in the other game (someone verify she wasnā€™t spec) then that only leaves tutuuā€™s w explanation and v.

I read the rest of chloe/tutuu/leafia, I like tutuu, and chloe/leafia w/v feels most likely. self-meta ick tho

I hate that I keep agreeing with you when all I can remember from you is ā€œ[username] [w/v]ā€

This post/idea feels important, but Iā€™ll have to come back to it later

Okay this made me laugh wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too hard

you and leafia, and I think maybe once with marl and frostwolf (maybe also someone, idk)

you know, I wasnā€™t actually planning to do the bit that long. I was trying to make a joke that my and ashā€™s names are so similar (I think in all previous games, Iā€™m mostly called ash). I figured people would figure it our or not, vote me or ash, and then figure out how to call us both. But a) that mostly doesnā€™t seem to be a problem, and b) ash then said we were wolves together, and thus a bit was born.

more posts in this interaction, but leaning bystander w rn

Saw this, you can almost certainly ask in your rolecard if any mechanics interact with it. But I have a hunch, is it a 3-digit number? (If so, donā€™t tr me for it, w!me probably has the same in their rolecard or a fakeclaim. But I tr mentioning it in-thread. Also donā€™t reveal it unless you get confimation itā€™s fully flavor; if it is itā€™s probably safe from anti-claim)

wtf is this VOTE: bystander

chloe has been very present with reading etc., and it seems plausibly villagery. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll change my lean, but Iā€™ll hold off until more discussion and/or a couple flips before going after this slot.

It is now 2024-04-28T05:31:00Z and I am going to bed soon. i canā€™t wait to do this all again tomorrow morning! :grinning: :grinning: :dizzy_face: :grinning:

addendum: Iā€™ve just realized halfway through that a handful of my reads I wanna say ā€œbut I wanna see how their read on Y developsā€ but canā€™t becuase then the wolves will write a pulitzer-winning character arc for themselves on Y. So if I put it in an addendum maybe I can give them too much work (while townies, just be a townie on your reads, weā€™ll figure it out TM).


I donā€™t think people being open about that sort of thing is a good idea, thatā€™s all

tutuu seems very town imo - whole bit of digging up past games to do research on leafiaā€™s claim, the jumping the gun on suspicion of leafia, very believable thought process, going the extra mile in way that show reals care etc etc



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went to give Hazard a skim after Chloeā€™s vote and he seems aggressively null, probably just going to wait and see there

you are the mafia, there, i did it

VOTE: bystander

funny thing is i actually had similar concerns as tutuu about Chloe - the intro bit about ā€œoh i have a read but iā€™m not gonna say it just yetā€ felt a bit performative and itā€™s something iā€™ve leaned on as mafi, even though i agree wth marluna being town the reasoning for it did not resonate with me (the stuff about her being carefree). vote on ash4fun felt a bit over-reactive. but thatā€™s kind of early game stuff and my inclination was to give her space anyway because if i push her and itā€™s wrong itā€™s a big waste of time when my attention could be elsewhere. i think the response to tutuu is fine so i will continue to let her do her thing

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if you donā€™t find leafia immediately outing her role in the face of anticlaim funny that is your loss tbh

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Rereading some of the mechanics in the game. This game gimmick is paradox hazards which means most if not all our roles might mess with each other causing stuff to not resolve. This means the mafia gets their funny vigi kill much faster. So for the next night do we want to claim if we are in a paradox hazard to gauge the amount of ammo they have?

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memekingpizza probs just a lost townie

ash4funā€™s catchup looks alright but itā€™s almost 3 AM so i have to stop

not really seeing the bystander townnreads - she feels altogether muted to me this game and the whole argument with tutuu felt contribed like she was looking for something inconsequential to make a big deal of


I donā€™t know if i should take that as an insult or be okay with that read.

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lost townie isnt an insult. just someone who is confused.

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I am reading now, the ability would be spend before night 1 started. Leafia want a trusting player.

Thats not what Catbae meant by this, Leafia.

Giving your shot to player that seems towny and powerful, may be eliminated on first night easily.


Okay fine. I liked those catbae posts

VOTE: Frostwolf

Get his ass

Hi, time for me to get to reading

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