@tutuu can I pocket you this game

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Hmph! N-not gonna work! Calling me cute and stuff wonā€™t make me townread you at all!!! Nuh-uh!

I like this part of this post, because it implies that at this point of the game no one should have any reads but she already has one. Boasting is generally towny to me. The last part is scummy though:

The wording feels too weak, like you want to make what youā€™re saying to be registered of little importance but you still want it to exist out there

I guess Iā€™ll be waiting for more of you, Chloe

But youā€™re adorable thatā€™s why I want you in my pocket, no?

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Oh, by the way, I donā€™t really understand the setup but Iā€™m town which makes me only care about it likeā€¦ 30%. I read that claiming benefits Mafia though, but I saw Leafia claim early. Either way I believe her. Still reading

Putting it out there that I wonā€™t claim anything unless it is necessary; I want to solve through posts

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Scratch the towny part of Chloe I think sheā€™s just scum

VOTE: @Chloe

Massclaiming is lame though I agree. Letā€™s solve socially, not mechanically

I like this

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Bystander probably just town for getting up in arms about the question mark thing because I donā€™t know what that was about

@tutuu may I ask you to pop a vote on Chloe with me?

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Ohhhh :(

See Chloe is a friend whoā€™s very dear to me and Iā€™ve known her for almost a year now and this is my first opportunity to play a game with her. We have these anniversary games, huge games every year, and in the one before the last she was consensus town but hero vigged and flipped town. Iā€™d just feel so bad for her if sheā€™s town here, like she finally gets the chance to play only to get mischopped

That said!! I cant and wont stop anyone from pushing their reads, playing towards what you think is best for your win condition is also very valid and good!! Needed!

And I will still try my best to read Chloe! I just ā€¦ at least for Day 1 Iā€™d rather not vote her. Sorry I know this isnā€™t ideal from the pov of a competition but itā€™s important to me that she (and everyone else) doesnā€™t feel bad. If sheā€™s town and gets mischopped she will blame herself too I know she will and that just makes me ;-;

tutuu cuteposting

I mean, Iā€™m not saying we lynch her now, I just want to form a wagon

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What made you jump there

Give me your thought process please

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Your reactions wrt people claiming reads like mafia who donā€™t want them to get towned so easily as it makes the circle smaller (which is why I said I agree massclaiming is lame). If my memory serves me right, you also believed Leafiaā€™s claim, sussed it when tutuu did, then believed it when tutuu did. I think you released TMI on tutuu as well, since you talked to him on many posts with the assumption that heā€™s town, then cleared it up later saying you think heā€™s town as an add-on to the main thing that you were saying

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Interesting lol. I donā€™t think massclaiming is lame because it somehow boxes in wolves
I think itā€™s lame because it gives them KPā€¦ which is lame for us

No none of this is true
I was ~whatever about leafiaā€™s claim, but didnā€™t want anyone else to claim
I didnā€™t sus tutuu once. I just let him do his thing for a while and found him town for it
I believed leafiaā€™s claim when leafia came back into the thread and kept talking about it, then solidified it a little later when i re-read the start of the game

Are you not talking to tutuu as if hes town too
I think hes town so im talking to him like hes town tbh. I do this in all my v-games when i have a strong townread ftr

And i mentioned in the thread that i think tutuu is town just because (in the post directly before that) i said i would be more open with my thoughts and stop Not Posting Things

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Eaves do you have any other reads too?
I donā€™t want to shut down this discussion im just curious what you think about the game outside of me

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I just misgendered you so many times in that post tutuu im so sorry :sob:

Everyone on fol is trans in my mind dear lord


Donā€™t they go by any pronouns, or am I missing the subtext?


Oh no you didnt muffinhead heheheh :blush:

He/she/any/all/dumb/ass all works!!!



If you didnā€™t catch any other reads Iā€™ve made, Iā€™ve towned tutuu, Leafia, and bystander. Iā€™m confident on tutuu town

Also just now found out catbae made the same read as me, lmao. Probably town

Another read thatā€™s about you is if Hazard is mafia, youā€™re town. They just agree so much with you


I agree that Chloe and Hazard arenā€™t w/w


Do my replies to you change your read on me at all

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