Play the game
(But also do well on your project)


Iā€™ve played between 5 and 10 games with Frostwolf

I believe that:

  • He is polarized
  • The differences between his behavior as either alignment are quite noticable
  • He has consistently stayed the same as either town or mafia respectively in all games Iā€™ve seen of him

Town Frostwolf is an Immovable Object. Itā€™s very important for him that he is right, and that nobody is wrong, and that nobody pushes him off the right trick. He will be very insistent and will unlikely change his mind for anyone.

Mafia Frostwolf is different. He allows himself to be flexible. He posts less. He tries to be more agreeable. He understands on some level what other people want of him, and he tries to blend in. He tries to be amicable. He is less confident and less insistant.

This is a bit too early to pinpoint which one he is (or will be) exactly, he only has 5 posts. And he is in EU timezone and does have a job. But looking at his posts:

these two were posted right next to each other

then after a 34 minute gap

then after an 11 hour gap

then after a 14 minute gap

I am getting the feeling that he might be struggling to post a bit, and/or he is going for the agreeable playstyle rather than the ā€œI will make my footprint in this game and everyone will know my nameā€ type of playstyle.

Itā€™s not that strong of a feeling, it is very early on still, but this is exacerbated by the fact that so many people are being, in my opinion, towny

Almost everybody whoā€™s posting ITT feels somewhat towny to me

So I am jumping the gun here a little bit about Frostwolf but if I (and all of us) are all collectively right that the peope who are ITT are all town, Frostwolf probably is just already Mafia due to process of elimination

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VOTE: frost

I wanna vote ash too thoā€¦ sad
For u tutie

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As for this and I will ping you too @bystander

I got the feeling that bystander was being sincere and was shocked at my method of trying to read Chloe. I donā€™t think her reaction was uncharacteristic given the way she talked in Baldurā€™s Gate 3 and Donā€™t Starve Anonymous. In both of those games she clashed plenty with people over playstyles

Town Bystander, in my mind, has her ideas about what ā€œmakes senseā€ to play Mafia like, and what ā€œdoesnā€™t make senseā€ to play Mafia like, and this subject is very important for her and she brings it up a lot, and has gotten into fights with people about it a lot

That said! This doesnā€™t necessarily mean she has to be town here. Iā€™m by no means a Bystander expert, much less a Wolf Bystander expert. I could be wrong. And I canā€™t know if she didnā€™t just fake what she would do as town. @catbae also played in baldurā€™s gate but he still scumreads her. I am curious catbae, you donā€™t think she is the same as then?

I just donā€™t think that what she did is uncharacteristic of her. If she is mafia, she is mafia, but she faked her town reaction, in my opinion. It wasnā€™t an artificial reaction that she wouldnā€™t do as town, at least in my opinion

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Okie that makes sense i getchu thanks

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:heart: :heart: :heart:

isnt that just what i dp

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Reads are something like this, unordered within tiers:







so are the simplest of reaction checks on a townread to give some assurance that itā€™s a right read is ā€œwtf is thisā€

no idea how u scumread the ok tell me my alignment question rofl

For reads like this you should probably wait longer to make it stronger


VOTE: catbae

bc my play is literally baldurs gate

and also how tf am i muted pls

omgus the real strat (except that one time)

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yeah my bad i should have i just got too excited coz iā€™m really enjoying the playerlist and i wanted to get things going asap :sweat_smile:

Ash why did you like this why are you okay with being that low :sob:

I would like to be able to put u higher if ur town!!!

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I get that this is a social deduction game, but howā€™re yaā€™ll able to make reads so quickly?

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wjhy is there two ashes pls


We exist exclusively to mess with people and make their lives harder.


Aww I feel you and thought you were thinking that haha

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ok tell me my alignment

why am i not a mafia picking on an insignificant thing