
Why is tutuu mafia picking on an insignificant thing?

It doesn’t feel quick to me? It’s been 12 hours, and over 300 posts

A read doesnt have to be 100% solid to share it. Lots of my reads are based on only a little bit of substance, but they’re still reads nonetheless

u said im town for taking hold on something that doesn’t make sense

why is that towny

never said that

I’m curious Ash, recently we had a little exchange in a thread outside Mafia (so it was bound to be truthful)

You identified yourself as a competitive player, at least that’s the way I understood your post there

Isn’t it contradictory to identify yourself as a competitive player and also be confused that people are trying to make reads quickly?

its not contradictory

but go on whatevr

No? Did you also not take issue with people not making reads in Don’t Starve and Baldur’s Gate?

I think a mafia wouldn’t hold onto it for so long with that attitude. Do you think it’s scummy then? I can agree with you if that’s what you want. What is it that you want at all?

Also, you just voted him for lols, I suppose?

for a reaction

I’m competitive, and it’s why I often death-tunnel people later into the game (see Ritual Mafia as one of the worst examples). I’m not surprised people are trying to make reads early on; I’m just surprised at how fast people will go, “Here’s my reads list of every single person in the game and what I think their alignment is.”

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i dont want anything i just want what u respond

Well it’s annoying

wanting to take time to formulate reads/not understanding how others read quickly doesn’t contradict with competitive

people can play diff

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my honest opinion at this very moment is 3 wolves in ash/bystander/frost/someone

it is most likely wrong, but maybe 2 wolves if im lucky

there are a lot of players in this game who i suspect won’t let themselves be suspected early on as wolves so it won’t be easy if they randed it!

the first time i played on mu i literally had a war in thread with luka over how i play lol

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war. war never changes

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I want to townread Ash’s lack of Anything despite being prodded for stuff 50 times as twtbaw
I dont think i can and i dont think i wanna reward that :joy_cat:

So u will stay in the poe until proven otherwise