You’re so me without the laziness

Someone is probably just mafia based on PoE, the poor sick guy

This is a nit pick, your pulling that out of context from a larger read. its less of the read itself more of the entire post being very people pleasing. but your probably right and i am just overthinking shit. probably lack of confidence tbh like every fucking time i am town its the same thing “Start game, make a read, get pushed to hell and back”.
I am sorry i am not much help atm i think i am honestly hurting town more then i am actually helping lol. i may have a mental break from the thread and hopefully come back clear headed later.
i am so sorry

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i’m only lazy like 60% of the time these days

well now i feel bad

Aww :( sorry about that

@Hazardwaste - i’m sorry if you felt like i was misrepping you. i will be honset and say you’re getting too caght up in self-defense and it’s just really not productive for my ability to read you. I’m willing to give you some space but I need to see you actually solving. So go ahead and clear your head and talk about your reads with me when you get back.


Taking note of this, I’ll appeal to catbae’s emotion as mafia

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i am so weak to it

but i’ve also pushed people to the breaking point when they were town and it’s not a great feeling

i also have an achro post in the back of my brain about hazard getting unjustly pushed

Achro post?

Achromatic, he’s a player here

I always thought you wanted to be an actual Leafeon.

Also I had a strong hangover yesterday.
Even though I read the posts, I remember like almost nothing.

The weirdest thing I catched on was Chloe’s read transformation on me:

I literally told him I have no reads, when he asked, and gave the read afterwards, but later he changed his read, because I was mechtalking.

Literally what expected from the players during RVS beside these two?

Call it pulling out of the ass

While you’re looking at ‘activity’ gaps, you’re ignoring context.

What context?

Do I have to answer this, when Tutuu just quoted all of my posts

I stg y’all want me to communicate in walls. Lurk for 5h: nothing. Spend 5h with friends: another 70 posts. Y’all better still be active when I’m done catching up or I’m gonna be miffed.

thanks but I’d rather not

(also rest of interaction starting with this)
definitely tunnelling now, but this is how I feel as wolf when the poe is right

I still wanna go back through and reevaluate leafia, but I think I see why people are TRing her

I also like eaves more, I think I sr them initially but I’m not finding anything to support that

40+ post interaction of chloe and hazard

From this, I think I’m willing to (at least for now) locktown chloe. Hazard feels mostly wolfy, but I could still see them begin villager. A bunch of people are saying they’re w/v with Ash, in which case I think I sr ash more.