When actions can’t be resolved via natural order resulotion.

( ie.: There are multiple actions are interacting on each other with the same resulotion strength.)

is that bad

Your action don’t resolve (both yours, and anyone else’s involved in the paradox.)
And mafia gains bullet faster for their strongman vigi.


(Yes, it’s bad.)

bystander come over here I’ll tell you something


Hi :)




Ok, so I’ve backread last night. I very much appreciate that people are more willing to hear me out now. Thank you.

Here’re all my thoughts at the moment (consider it a legacy of sorts):

  • I targeted Someone N1
  • My major suspicions are Eaves-Marluna-Someone
  • Other Reads:
    • Townclearing Chloe, Ash, Cat
    • Townreading Hazard and Bystander
    • Null-maybe-townlean on Leafia and Meme
  • Other Thoughts:
    • I agree with Chloe’s theory that Someone did actually get RBed N1 and is trying to claim it for towncred. Don’t really want to go into why at the moment, though.
    • The “competitive” thing has continually gone in circles, and I think it’s better phrased as me getting more and more into a game until it becomes all-consuming. Kinda want to lay that discussion to rest for the moment because I don’t think it gives any useful insight into my playstyle.
    • Ad-hoc implies “spur of the moment”, so imo, post-hoc is better in that situation.

I’m fine with voting any of my three major suspicions, but given my aforementioned support for Chloe’s theory, I suspect that Someone’s role is likely a mafia investigative. As such, I’ll VOTE: Someone.

Ping me if you need anything; I’ll be in class for a good bit, but I’ll get back as fast as I can.

howmany roleblockers wuld be in the game

I cackled at the last bullet

@Leafia will you be around at EoD?
I townread Ash right now and we might need your vote to help push somebody else over

I dont think many of us are roleblockers j think most of us still mess with someone else that could cause a paradox. It doesnt just have to be roleblockers causing them.

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I really can’t imagine anything else than roleblocks to cause a paradox.

Maybe dividing by zero, but I doubt there is a role in mafia which divides anything.

I mean based on tuttu role flip we might need them to help other abilites out.

You are right.
Even Frost’s role needed manupilation to activate.
@Chloe this is what you missed.
It is probably unwise to withstand the roleblocks/redirections based on the flipped roles.