Votecount as of post #1920

Ash (2): eaves, Someone
eaves (1): Leafia

Not Voting (6): catbae, Ash, bystander, Memekingpizza, Hazardwaste, Chloe

I mean i talk generally awkward. thats not AI. check my game in EDNA. the genie one.
I was executed for the sole reason that “I talk funny”

Im tired. /shrug. But i wont use it against you until i have proof you are mafia.

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I mean normally ppl say something like anyone would assume you would have responded

your fine mate dw.

I personally suspect people who announce that they’re going to sleep because as mafia, I often feel the pull to always explain my absences to prevent people like you from jumping on a suspicion train while I’m away.

it was 8 hours I waited quite a while


i am fine with either wagon atm tbh.

Ash’s killer final line for me yesterday didn’t really have any other continuation today in townieness. he has just been very meh today which doesnt make the start of game look any better for him.

Eaves has just been saying shit no town person should say today. but i have also never played with eaves so this could just be shit she says tbh.

My gut wants to play devils advocate and say evil in Eaves/Ash is high.
VOTE: Eaves ahhhhh

I’ll try and wake up before eod tomorrow but no promises. gnight

I’m about to sleep and will probably wake up in 6 hours. Do I reveal my role info now or no? It reveals my role too. Pinging you both because I trust @catbae @Chloe

i am confirmed town

im also uncapable of lying

i kind of think hazardnis a wolf

Will it help us out to know?

Im ngl i kinda do too all his thiughts seem surface level and every post is hedgy blergh

im hknna vote there for nkw[unvote] [VOTE: hazardewsteName/unvote]

VOTE: hazard

I say it would help you 40%. Also, this is the last time I’m bringing this up but did you see my post about Hazard and Ash being a pair? And now Hazard says he’s fine with Ash (again) and votes me

Claim it if you’re still lead wagon when you wake up tbh
Pls try to be here before EoD

Also yeah i dont like how hands-off hazard is being about his scumread on Ash - I’m going to re-read some things because i’m having major doubts that im clearing him for fakeable things

@Ash play more please

I was going to ask where I can find those emoticons because I just manually wrote wowee earlier but nevermind I found it :wolf_woah:


Will try.
I’ve been ISOing various Someone games, and I think I’m starting to lose it.