Pathologic Invitational - TOWN VICTORY!!

BTW, try not to edit posts unless it is a minor spelling correction or something like that. Adding that little bit at the end there might be considered a no-no. I’m not exactly sure where the line is drawn.

after towny i added “if they are wolves” since before it wouldnt have made sense

Hmmmm, so then it seems like it actually was the posting a lot that drew your suspicion maybe? And I guess you did suspect Vulgard as well, though for another reason. Yet the posting a lot I suppose applies there as well.

thats correct but the “posting a lot” does not apply for vulgard

Yeah, understood. And that’s why I’m not sure about something like that. Just warning you so you don’t get in trouble cause generally editing is only allowed for spelling corrections and formatting corrections and stuff like that. Adding content should be done in a further reply to explain more if you missed something and need to clarify. :ayaya:

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Oh interesting. So you see Arctic’s post volume as somewhat wolfy compared to maybe the other top posters? I feel like your suspicion should still be based on more than that and maybe that just adds to it.

thanks that makes sense, i didnt know it is against the rules (iv been breaking a couple recently lol)

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Yeah, check with May if you need to. They’ve read all the guidelines :ayaya:


yes i dont think i should have added that about arctic

so i think no one understood what i said about vulgard because no one commented on it

This? Well, first, he has sort of been called out already for that confident townread on Lemon.

But I believe your slightly different point is that w!Vulgard might be using that to pocket v!Lemon. Is that correct?

Oh I didnt not see he has already been called out for that. Although i think i understand what you are saying, just for clarification can you tell me what pocket means?

Pocket is a term people use for saying someone has another person’s favor/good opinion so deeply that they won’t consider you bad. Kind of like that. So if you say A has pocketed B, then B looks favorably on A and won’t consider voting them. There might be more variations, but that’s my understanding. :ayaya:

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Kind of like A has B comfortably snuggled in their pocket and eating from their hand. That’s my impression of where that comes from :ayaya:

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i dont think i have said that but it could be true

Okay, I think you were saying that Vulgard was trying to win Lemon’s trust/favor by giving them a confident townread? Or was it something different?

i said that it is a known tactic for me to instantly calling someone a town so gain trust so i think thats what vul is doing

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to* instead of so

Okay, yes, then I think I understand you. And I agree that’s a wolf tactic. Though I think a wolf would do it more subtly. Like I think it usually works better to kind of compliment the person on their reads or posts or something like that. But I still see what makes you think that could be what’s happening.

okay thanks for understanding lol i am so bad at explaining omg