Pathologic Invitational - TOWN VICTORY!!

posts I thought were towny from Kanave near EOD

okay but what is villagery about any of this

and actually what does this even mean

expanding on those

the reads list - point on Arctic I kind of mindmelded with (solving felt more genuine and driven than Vul)
reason for SRing Nokiel is also not as terrible as I remembered and also kind of aligns with what I was thinking

regarding the Eliza/Nokiel post, I kind of commented on it already
thought Kanave and Eliza had more partner potential together but Kanave saying they preferred Eliza over Nokiel and then actually voting Eliza breaks this world

and then Kanave brought up May’s Vul/Eliza case and pinged me to make sure I read it

idk it just felt like they were prioritizing solving over self-pres

so who are the wolves and what are your thoughts on today’s posts


I feel like it’s Kanave/May or Nokiel +1. I don’t think May is with Lemon (as just explained) or with Nokiel (also as just explained). I don’t think Lemonfairy is with Kanave (as just explained) or with May (as explained through May).

It can be Nokiel/Lemon or Nokiel/Kanave. Or, well, as I just said, Kanave/May.

Nokiel on Kanave

Veeeeeeeery quick jump overnight.

Bolded feels not W/W with Lemon solely because Nokiel is fairly new to the game and I don’t think this sort of thing is in most newbwolves’ wheelhouse.

What the hell is the bolded. Also, another jump here. Was D3 just a distance?

Yeah, I think Nokiel’s read on Kanave is super unnatural/opportunistic. Hard null day 1, town day 2, wolfread and push day 3, town again day 4.

Kanave on Nokiel

Worth noting that Kanave legitimately didn’t even mention Nokiel before this post. This is when Kanave is being pressured to finally give reads.

Sorta just ignores Nokiel’s realtime posting at the time.

Okay I guess?

Kanave is legitimately just ignoring Nokiel here.

This is starting to feel like TMI.


??? Is this Kanave self-voting because she realizes Nokiel might actually die if Arctic switches?

Puts it back when it’s too late for anyone to do anything. Even messes it up the first time.

You had this person as your wolfread consistently throughout day 2. What are you doing.



Kanave not with Lemon again, also this again feels like TMI of Noki being a wolf lol.

Okay I guess?

Kanave consistently wolfreads Nokiel all the time. Aaaaaallllll the time. But at EoD2 she literally self-votes instead of voting there and only revotes when it’s impossible for anyone to switch. And at EoD3 when Nokiel could’ve died again she instead switches to Eliza on this reasoning:

You are the top Nokiel wolfreading and you want to switch based on the day being static? Nokiel is top wagon, you should be happy…

Then Kanave says she wants to chain into Eliza (confirmed V) and me (I know I’m V) if Nokiel flips wolf…

Then she says if Eliza flips scum we should go into me (V) and Nokiel, but only if Eliza flips scum

Then suggests Nokiel/Vulgard as a viable world… just in case Nokiel does go over? To get me killed the next day? (I’m sitting on Kanave here)

Then votes Eliza and says Kanave/Nokiel loses the game. No, it does not, you’ve been thinking Nokiel is mafia, you just kill Nokiel and point to the fact you pushed them.

Yes, we do re-eval the town, but this post makes it seem like Nokiel/Kanave is inherently a bad PoE… when Nokiel is someone Kanave herself has floated as a wolf numerous times. It just feels manipulative.

I need extra pairs of eyes on this.

When reading Kanave’s posts about Nokiel, I thought she was trying to get Nokiel MLed, but later I noticed a pattern that makes me think it’s actually hard distancing / maybe bussing. The one time she talks to Nokiel directly, it’s her writing a post that’ll make her look better if Nokiel flips mafia. She writes a lot of posts about Nokiel being wolfy and a wolf but both times she she has the chance to kill them at EoD and doesn’t.

Not Voting (6): Vulgard, Arctic, Kanave, Lemonfairy, May, Nokiel

Majority is 4. Day ends 2022-12-05T04:00:00Z

I have absolutely no idea (ok, I have some idea but I want to explore all the worlds since it might be mylo? lylo? I forgot)

you’re poison cleared

full list of worlds are:
Vul/May (which would honestly be so scary)

I think I need to stop letting my thoughts lead me around as I am doing now, because it allows my attention to be drawn to the wrong places. It’s what had me refuse to consider Lemon/Vulgard early in the day. I need to step back and measure all of the possibilities, rather than just bouncing around and letting myself be blinded to certain angles.

It’s between Kanave/Lemon/Nokiel/Vulgard. That means the potential wolfteams are as follows:

Kanave/Lemon - Lemon tried very hard to get Kanave killed at EoD2 in a way that was just completely unnecessary as a wolf. It was early enough in the game that I’m happy to discount this possibility for now unless someone flips.

Kanave/Nokiel - In this case, the wolves are intentionally allowing high-posters to tear each other apart and killing the lower-posting players. For a little while, I thought this was unlikely, given Kanave helped vote off Eliza, whose flip would direct a lot of people toward voting Nokiel… but I, uh, just remembered who Eliza was a counterwagon to. I’m not sure I’ve seen anything that proves this, and I’m not sure I’ve seen anything that really disproves it. I wish we’d executed Nokiel yesterday.

Kanave/Vulgard - I’m not sure Vulgard would bus this much, but maybe? That would mean his behavior today would be trying to connect me with Kanave and get me voted out first, as he did in GOAT^2. Looking back, he bounced back and forth on Kanave a bit, rather than “tunneling her all game” as he said. It’s not something I’ve thought about and evaluated at all, but that’s the purpose of this exercise, I suppose.

Lemon/Nokiel - This would explain why Lemon went so hard for Kanave on D2 and then Eliza D3 - trying to avoid a Nokiel vote. The way they’ve both left thread to its own devices would make sense for wolves, I think - as soon as we moved away from Nokiel, she kinda disappears, and Lemon doesn’t show up until later. It’d make sense with Nokiel’s Vulgard/Lemon case, too.

Lemon/Vulgard - The tinfoil case. I just… failed to consider it when I was first coming into thread, which is embarrassing, but how thread has been progressing today feels like it reinforces this world as what’s real… though I don’t know if it’s confbias. I think I was largely ignoring it out of convenience, because this is the inconvenient world, and I would love for it to go away please.

Nokiel/Vulgard - During the night phase, I had some notes on why this was possible - it was in my consideration, hence why I said all my potential wolfteams contained Nokiel - and I don’t really think it’s impossible. I just haven’t seen any particular evidence for it, I think? I really need to analyze this more, but I’m at the bottom of this list and I really have a million other things I should be doing.

I have been neglecting every single one of my actual responsibilities this entire game to play Splatoon and mafia. I should not be in thread right now. I’m going to go get some work done, ping me if you need me or have any questions.

Do I get to say “townie mindmeld” now? Is that my line?

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why is yours so much more detailed
I feel overshadowed :smiling_face_with_tear:

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she was saying if people just killed her and nokiel then we would lose (which is true even if just one of them is town

everything else is fine i guess
i mostly think it’s either this or you and lemon so shrug

Get owned

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Noting that Nokiel actually starts pushing on Kanave when Kanave pushes them on day 3, but come today, Nokiel’s townreading Kanave as if nothing happened. And yesterday, Kanave didn’t argue to vote out Nokiel when it mattered, despite actually having the chance to kill Nokiel. In fact, she argued in Nokiel’s defense in a roundabout way and randomly punted Eliza.

This is why I need an extra pair of eyes, it just feels like they’re trying to kill each other but not really.

I know, but it’s… weird to argue. You’ve had Nokiel as a wolfread all game, why isn’t the POV “if you kill me instead of nokiel” or something like that?

In my three most recent wolfgames, I tried to bus day 1. Two times, I successfully did, the third time, my hydra partner chose not to (and the wolf I was bussing still died).

Like, it’s the fact she’s framing it collectively that’s weird to me. If she really wolfreads Nokiel, there should be some element of ego and actual arguing involved, instead she’s just like “re-evaluate the town because me/Nokiel is a bad poe” which is deflecting from… her own read.

Idk if you get my point but it just feels like it’s more important to her for more people to be on the table than for Nokiel to die all of a sudden.