Percy Jackson and the Olympians FM - Town wins!

I mean on one hand yes. On the other hand it’s Leafia

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Again, I dont have a killing ability

(Why does everyone assume that every time I play)

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ngl when I read your SoD message I thought the next one would be host announcing you as IC lol

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I do think trying to factor potential coaching happening into your reads will almost always be detrimental

oh yeah what are thoughts on moose’s outing Leafia EoD?

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I will note that I’m a complete control freak as wolf and do end up coaching my teammates sometimes: I’ve straight-up written posts for my teammates before, I’ve told my teammates exactly what to say and what reads to have, I’ve told them when to show up and whether to bus and who to vote for. However. I see people speculate this happening much more than I’ve ever done it myself, and I don’t think anybody but me has ever done it so directly in a wolfchat I’ve been in. The most I’ve seen is “here’s how we’re going to read each other, you’re going to [townread/wolfread] me based on [xyz points]”, and that was from Achro.

Straight coaching is uncommon, and it’s especially uncommon in the case where the teammates believe they know how to wolf. Leafia isn’t a scared first-time wolf, she believes she knows how to wolf and she’ll do her own thing. You’d have to be fairly pushy to start writing posts for her like Atlas was insinuating. I think it’s best to treat her like her own person.


oh see I consider this basic wolf team strategy not coaching lol

coaching imo is writing posts or heavily regulating exactly how a specific member needs to act in thread

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but idk how most people see it

Reposting for visibility. This is a tiny spoiler thats easily missed

@ everyone: lots of words here. Consider reading!!!


This is true for micro (specific posts, tone, the kind of thing that can’t usually be trained easily), but I think it’s kiiiind of false for macro (when people show up, how they treat their partners, etc). Like if a serial hellbusser was paired up with somebody they respect a lot and would submit to, and that person hates bussing, I’d expect changes in their behaviour. If a brand-new player shows up and does “clearing” things, or has a really good claim, and you want to locktown them for it, but a really good wolf flips, I think you should be more cautious about doing that.

That being said, I think people much more often overestimate coaching than they underestimate it, and I agree that it’s kind of silly to apply it as logic here. Nobody on this playerlist is ordering Leafia around or writing posts for her. That’s ridiculous.

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to be honest i kinda just shrug town binned it without much thought but it’s probably not really clearing if luxy is a wolf too

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I consider it strategy when two ~equally experienced players talk about it, I consider it coaching when there’s an inexperienced/unskilled player who never would’ve thought of that stuff on their own who’s taking orders to do it.

They show up differently on your radar: two wolves on equal footing will probably each individually act as expected, if they hate bussing then they’re not likely to start bussing just because their partner’s a big fan of it, they’ll probably each do their own thing. If somebody’s submitting to another person’s will, then they’ll start acting out of character for normal w!them.

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in the mountainous game where me/phraze were wolves i tried to do all of this stuff too but i only managed to direct her pushes and wording of posts rather than ghostwriting because she preferred operating by herself which is basically what you’re saying here. so it’s still possible that some behaviour is being directed but we won’t really know how much


Luckily I’ve got May privilege so people let me write posts for them :relieved:


I mean I don’t think it’s ever fully clearing

but I’ve vibed w/ some of their other stuff and with that also factoring in I’m down to just put them in the town bin for now

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That being said I usually don’t try to directly write posts for people unless they seem like they want/need it. The literal copy-paste here’s a May post to send was on Discord where I’m the king of the world, and with a good friend (we hydraed in our first game, we played here as BostonFlours). More commonly I’ll say “here’s what you’ve gotta say, paraphrase this into your own words”.

So yeah looking at somebody’s post and going “I think another person wrote this” is still universally silly. Unless you’re speculating somebody on the wolfteam has real deep trust for another

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fwiw if atlas is a wolf, wolves are probably very cornered. atlas spent a lot of yesterday trying to fight consensus it felt like (or at least the consensus of people I agreed with and townread lmfao)

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Basically we’re saying hte same thing over and over here. Atlas’s speculation is silly. You know this, I know this. I’m just here to brag about how much of a control freak of a wolf I am. My brother is having a conversation outside my door and I can’t hear everything he’s saying but he’s listing a LOT of countries. We’ve got a “Serbia”, “Albania”, “Bosnia”

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what do u think about it? it’s kinda uncanny how much we melded on reasons why atlas is a wolf

but places we disagreed were on app, beancat, and luxy. i think leafia not pushing luxy hard at eod means smth

also want thoughts on leafia posts about illwei at eod

and leafia puttingg beancat as her top villager then never mentioning her again


unfortunately im not a serial hellbusser

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