Percy Jackson and the Olympians FM - Town wins!

i think ur being selective about who you are wolfreadkng bc essentially my read on may is the same as tutu’s and i even stated it’s a partial sheep cuz i thought that his reasoning was good

so like yeah

but also idk if you as a wolf would go the route of wolfreading the person who ur in thread alone with instead of going for an easy pocket

(it would’ve probably been easy :sweat_smile:)

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This is 100% true and now I’m cursing myself for having such an obvious tell. I’m very particular with when I appear as “in thread” and “out of thread” as mafia. I used to micromanage my Discord status because I worried about people angleshooting it and noticing I wasn’t posting. However because I am town I opened the thread liked the post and went to go play Ruina


i come again to more early votes on me every game

ik it’s very attractive to vote me

but it’s like very upsetting when i’m like voted for not doing enough (shitposting and fluff) and when i try to make the effort to do more it’s like bad too

like. lol

just ignore it tbh and keep doing u


I don’t fiiiind the beancat vote wolfy in that they’re selectively pushing people I thiiiink

i feel like leafias takes are always based on really like

mafia 101 lol

no shade towards her alignment wise just like


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yeah me too

it’s just true though

towns can also have this problem
and i stated why i think town over mafia in the post where i talk about that

I think the interaction is mildly villagery for beancat

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This is blatent shade.

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yea I agree with what you said

sorry I just went on a roundabout way of saying that lmao

“No shade toward her alignment”

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i’m shading you as a player

not saying ur mafia

im sorry but lol i

this is kinda why made that statement

Shade is shade.

Sometimes I like to search my name in threads to see where people have mentioned me for that little hit of dopamine when they say I am town :^)


me too

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Slightly wolfy popin I feel. Anyway, calling it a night now so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

i kinda wanna be the top poster I think it’d be fun idk if I have the energy for it tho

me and my cat are hanging out I’m letting her read the thread

I’ll keep u guys updated on her reads