Percy Jackson and the Olympians FM - Town wins!

  1. im small and fluffy so we have already minimized fluff
  2. i don’t have any dignity to lose
  3. im eepy
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omg ur in this game i didnt know that

i believe u

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I feel bad. I don’t wanna post



sulit v - vibes also i agreed with their vibe check thing
jarek v - why did people say his entry was wolfy it wasn’t. like honestly as scum id kinda be scared to copy someone’s entrance and be accused of like whatever he got accused of. its more like he just found it funny and just copy pasted it lol
tutu v - seems more relaxed idk just towny. i would’ve said that her guys rand town win do these advices post was performative but the game kinda feels good to me so far too
anon v - idt wolf claims a n0 unless it’s like fully a joke? fps or not probably town. if it’s joke idk.
may v - sheep tutu also just like her last post prolly not wolf if may fits the type of player i expect her to be. aka putting on a front as scum

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there is no one to talk to

i think arctic is fine rn but i don’t really think he’s out of wolf range either


tutu you suck :hugs:

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bad read but w/e

bad as in not really a town tell not you are wolf kinda bad

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I’m back now on the bus back from work
Glad to see there’s been 8 posts in an hour I can deal with this

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Bys if u wanna talk through thoughts Im here!

hi :face_in_clouds:

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Are u sure you have the right person here they have
1 post


i mean

that type of read isn’t like a sustainable read

but i think in this case it’s likely accurate

U pass my vibecheck even less

Have a vote
VOTE: bystander

That’s a lot of v reads for nothing you’re sticking on the wall there

sulit basically had the same amt reads fyi

except they had no explanation

somehow mine is wolfy? lol

it’s very strange you read the post that apparently makes you scumread me, ask a question and than vote me for a different reason that doesn’t come from the question

so is you’re vote for my longer post or my response to your question?

and why did you vote me after like the question was the reason for ur vote and not my original post

Potential TMI. Very slight scumlean here.

Mindmeld with me. Worth at least a slim townlean.

Not sure what to make of Anonymoose just yet.

This feels villagery to me. Slim townlean.

Okay. You can be locktown Arctic. Pay $9.99 per day to keep locktown status.

Can I be an honorary cat?

I’m pretty sure I haven’t voted yet.

Can’t read. Don’t have a Ph.D in nuclear physics.

How is that town AI? I do that a lot as a wolf. Sometimes as town, but more often as a wolf.

Willing to sheep this. Bystander giving out a readslist this early pn felt like they were trying too hard to appear helpful and villagery.

VOTE: Bystander

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