Percy Jackson and the Olympians FM - Town wins!

How cna it activate aftrr she dies?

Is this the case for all players?

OP does say there is dead interaction

I think so?
Double-check with the other Ash; I might be an idiot.

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im confused


Iā€™m Kiiruma nice to meet you confused


jarek claimed he tracked you to anonymoose so this seems irrelevant to me

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Did Anonymoose claim that he was visited by me?

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Yeah i thonk so

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Then Jarekā€™s info is correct.

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he said he was informed that 1 person visited him but i donā€™t think he was told it was you otherwise he would have said something

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why would you roleblock hippo
why would you lie and say you targeted me (on the night a kill was stopped) and falsely implicate me with mech

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(this all could have been avoided if nobody brought up mech, thats why we were given last wills, there is no rush to out info before u die, just keep it zipped and write everything in ur last will)

Why lie and say you blocked arctic if you thought i would be informed of your visit and your lie instantly outted?


I will say most notably if Hippo was targeted by the loud roleblock and didnā€™t admit to being roleblocked it could suggest that Hip did carry the kill.

And Jarekā€™s the one whoā€™s claiming to have seen you target Anony (Hip)

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And again i was simply informed i was visited by 1 player. It doesnt sound loud, slightly different, as from sound of message i was visited by exactly 1 player.

I dont think were informed if were roleblocked i didnt know?

i have a much more believable explanation for the kill being stopped than hippo being blocked by ash

I did target you.

Which is why things are confusing.