Percy Jackson and the Olympians FM - Town wins!


besides finding no meaning in the people suspecting me, you got anything to say this time around?
i remember arctic asking you from me checking your iso 7 seconds ago

may saying “i’m so polarized you got me” is probably from v, i think
he seems to have too much pride to not say that if it. weren’t true

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The vibes on Luxy are off, and I think I want to reread Bystander and compare it to Paradox.

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i think i’m sorta interested in that as well
could you do so when you get the chance and get back to me?

I need to get food but i got 0 energy in me to do anything

On thr point about bys
I really dislike their response being “well sulit did this too”

When sulit’s was quite vibefeel of-the-moment
And theirs feltblike a coordinated readlist

For now, I shall disappear into the night, a shadow returning to its home.


i’m town so you’re wrong

which that probably won’t help you, but here

me saying that sulit did the same thing is not a defense on my part about me

it’s about you. for one it’s me at the moment thinking you were being selective and asking you about it so i can better try to find you as whatever

i do think ur reason here is valid though, so my assumption was wrong

i think ur town now so i guess the whole thing paid off

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go get food
we can talk later; you’ll need the mental energy and capacity to play, and its not like many people are here

i always like when people talk abt me so lol ill be waiting too :kissing:

seems like a nice thing to say in the moment but some how seems like pushing someone away from solving (there is a good amt of people here id say now)

but i dont really like to portray people in that evil

but atlas so evil :cold_face:

this is like not a read cuz it’s like 100% unreliable i just wanted to say this

i have done this several times to several people

several of those people are in this game

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it is nai.


i thiught it probably is

as stated in that post

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say things to say things

trying to provide what’s going through my head in a well communicated way even though some of it’s kinda useless :joy_cat:

apparently being honest helps people find you but i just made someone upset by offending them lol

that’s how it goes

you know how most people have like inner monologues and stuff

i’m kind of confused bc like

in my head im always like tryna form my inner monologue but i struggle to word it even though it’s supposed to be like a thought

so sometimes i think im making it up i don’t really know whats going on tbh

noted, then


that wasn’t supposed to be related to the game but uh okay thanks