Percy Jackson and the Olympians FM - Town wins!


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How long was it since you’d been mafia?

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Over 3 years lol


tutuu i’m worried about you, you should be nicer to yourself


3 year old meta never fails

I wonder if I was in that game lol

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Aaaaa :confounded: :sob:

It is probably the reason why I sucked ass this game :^)


And the fact that I don’t like rolling mafia

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Idk if I’ve ever been on your team

Actually we popped tf off as mafia together once

Which game was that?

I have very fuzzy memory of all games pre FAM2 tbh

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Messaging you on discord

Probably on old FOL, when Alice was still around.

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On here, yeah

On MU I had a couple of wolf games in 2021

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What can I say, you are welcome?

I actually day alignment checked you

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Teamwork :raised_hand:

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Danganronpa, when motives does not exist

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Poor wittle arcy


Unbiased Frost is based

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Oh :wowee:

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