Percy Jackson and the Olympians FM - Town wins!

Teamwork makes the dream work


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Please undelete it.

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Since May responded to me, I did saw the lol

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But in between? yeah I may have missed it

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You’re goddamn hero

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Ah yeah I see what went wrong

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Setup reflections

Coming out of review, I thought the setup would be pretty close to balanced, but as I was processing actions I realized it was pretty townsided. As I say this, I don’t want to diminish town’s overwhelming performance in this game; y’all had the whole scumteam in a little box D1, before any actions were processed! Rather, I want to make this list as a guidepost for me (as well as anyone taking inspiration from this setup) to improve and avoid the pitfalls I fell into creating and hosting this game.

  • Wolf KP needs to be consistent. I had a ton of offensives and protectives in this game, since that’s ostensibly weaker than eg. investigatives and killing. However, with so many, they cast a wide enough net to be collectively very powerful. It did limit town’s ability to draw conclusions from the missing nightkill, but they need to be able to take out strong town voices.
    • pandora’s role was meant to fix some of this, but them dying would have severely weakened the wolves, more than they already were. Also, it needs to be able to work on its own; as a lone wolf, they were unable to take advantage of the extra N3 kill nor any future anticlaim kills. Perhaps change the rule of “no multiple factionals” to an “even build rule” from monopoly, if wolves getting multiple kills in a night is vital to balance.
    • Unblockable attacks should actually be unblockable, and it shouldn’t be possible for one role to prevent an attack on the same person twice in a row.
    • Anticlaim should have been a little faster—A claim on D2 can only lead to a kill on N3. I wanted to avoid wolves using anticlaim guesses as a free investigative, getting results before needing to submit the kill. (In PH, which this is inspired by, wolves made the guess “everyone is acop” and shot the one that was right.) But the “all guesses must be right” prevents that scenario already; I should have let them finalize their guesses mid-night and use the kill same night. If I want to make the anticlaim a little stronger/less susceptable to convincing fakeclaims, I could also change it to let them make serial guesses until they guess wrong.
  • Wolf night abilities were too weak. They were roughly on par with the power levels of the town’s night abilities. The wolves should have a good toolset for messing up town abilities, making their KP consistent, and trying to clear themselves.
    • Having all feedback be reliable is a stronger advantage to town than I had previously assumed. While a setup doesn’t need to have godfathers/framers/ninjas, the wolves should have other powers to offset that advantage. Even “may or may not be reliable” with no actual false info would allow them more counterplay.
  • Wolves should have better access to their strong day abilities. There are more town than wolves, and if day abilities are roughly equally strong then the wolves should be able to access them at 1.5-2x the frequency.
  • Pay attention to synergies. Self-protectives should not guard a priority mafia kill, and strong investigatives should be spread out more.
    • Also I see now why Zone said the every-night parity cop should be nerfed—the 1-shot acop felt extremely powerful in its own right.
  • Unfortunately, it’s hard for me to see the ways in which the wolves could’ve been overpowered, or town underpowered. Regardless, I should do more playtesting of the setup to help work out where the trouble-spots might be. The last thing I want is to swing the other way on balance and make it too hard for town to win and do well.
    • Apologies to May, whose role was entirely useless this game, but I think was a bit of a fluke as far as the setup design is concerned.

I do hope to make a sequel with the boon mechanic, and I’ll try to incorporate the advice above. If any of y’all have feedback for me, please let me know, either here or by PM.

I hope everyone had fun with this game despite its flaws, and congratulations again to the town for a game very well played!





but yeah


Don’t feel hard on yourself. N1 and D2 did what they could with mech, it’s finished with social deduction in the end.


Guys like

Why did the forfeit happen before the 3 nk n2 tho


Pandora was expecting to get RBed that night.

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And likely also pandora is on the table