Percy Jackson and the Olympians FM - Town wins!

this post gives me weird vibes

I haven’t decided if weird = bad

but weird

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this list probably >rand v for being only town read lmfao

Its just 10 posts of Frostwolf frosting it up so far from what I see. Don’t think theyre out of wolf or townrange. Sorry that’s not very helpful.

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Yeah same this is why I voted there.

its fine, i’m just confused
i’ve never ever seen frost say that he’ll just let somebody else do the work because they’re doing fine (we’re very indecisive, so we’re also not)

Think we’ve got some good players as mafia fellas, this will be a good game I sense it. Playerlist is balanced too.

Saying this cuz Apprentice has come in and not instantly looked scummy so mafia do be somewhere.

Luxy is big schedium posting


Actually yeah rereading his post to sult it is a bit bizarre and a sucks upy to sulit

and by that I mean it feels like they’re posting thoughts that make sense but they’re very agreeableish takes that don’t rock the boat or do much

where is your v read on arctic at this point in the game coming from?

Is Arctic a good wolf?

arctic asked me the same thing earlier

i thought his questioning and general zoning in on my specific reasoning for the one post i made comes from him as town more

good for this site
eh for mu

actually i think he might be good generally
i think he did decent in mu 2022

Who is the best wolves in this playerlist?


(I’m mostly lying.)

bystander (i think?)
kiiruma (if you dont know his meta)
may (best wolf 2023)
maybe myself?
i’ve had trouble reading tutuu well in the past

atlas’ entrance is very stilted but posting improves as it goes on to being pretty reasonably not wolfy

atlas is a good enough player to be able to do this as wolf after a rough start

so basically I’m a coward and won’t start a vote on Atlas cuz I’m scared of being wrong, but I think entrances are often the hardest even for experienced wolves so it might just be a hit and I’m a little baby

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