Percy Jackson and the Olympians FM - Town wins!

is pandora a player who would legitimately immediately believe moose’s claim

if not this post is nearly outing. but very player dependent

i Do Not Know

Luxy/Ash/mysteryname i will not yet reveal

Are potentially good votes. But also are v consensus and low posters so :person_shrugging:

bean is hitting the “town I disagree with” vibes on the nose

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i think luxy is v but i have zero read on ash

i think only tutuu is the one generally tring them

My claim is legitimate, greenchecks are just weaker masons which themselves are fine in 17p rolemadness so ofc greenchecks are

Idk why people keep discrediting my claim

regardless of whether your claim is real or not

surely you must recognize that most people will be immediately suspicious of it being false

hence I think believing it is either:

  1. a player who generally takes everything in thread at face value

  2. scum not getting in a proper mindset

There are other possible reasons but those are the main two

I think its mafia mad that town already have a greencheck

ok I am basically caught upish now if you have anything prior to here you still want me to look at just ping me

sulit/bean/tutuu are my three strongest townreads probably in that order

tutuu seems to be handling thread well so I’m down to let them have a lot of narrative control until they start being a cringe

is there a fast way to check votecount here it has been a hot minute

or year

Alt F5

hammer button next to the person icon

this isnt a troll

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if pandora is w could she have spewed both moose and maybe their greencheck v?
id assume theyd ask them privately

I think this is a reachy take

like certainly could be true but I won’t be basing more than >rand on it

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its something i wanted opinions on
the only other way id see it happening as w/w is if wolfchat isnt coordinating
and its theorized that there should be a strong wolf or two

it just looks weird if youre trying to look uninformed

I think the strong wolf is probably you but you’ve turned it up to last 12 hours and I both can’t be sure and doubt I’d get the numbers anyway so I cba today