Percy Jackson and the Olympians FM - Town wins!

I did nothing in all of my wolf games here except one

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dank then please don’t commit die

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how did you reply to my post that said it then?

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i think apprentice could be a wolf

but he’s not a wolf read if you get what i mean

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hit reply button > start typing > scroll up to quote post > hit enter

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i mean this post

was a reply to this one

using the sites reply mechaniac

thats why i asked why did you say it when you saw i already said it

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oh I see what you’re saying

I probably just clicked reply on your most recent post thinking it was the other and didn’t read this one

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ah, noted
i was curious if you were faking being explanatory and “mind-melding” with me

Beancat (my gut says bean wolf but everyone townreads her so im listening)




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nah I straight up didn’t see it until after replying

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also shoot

this post kinda towny

you might’ve already said it, but what has arctic so high afor you?

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why is sulit so low and beancat so high
the only trs on beancat i remember are from sulit? and apprentice when i checked a few minutes ago

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It doesn’t take hours to read only a few hundred posts…

I talk with Arctic very often, I know how he thinks and talks, I understand him well

Atlas also has Arctic as lock town and I have Atlas as lock town and trust Atlas’ accuracy

Arctic also had two micro town tells: one where he said good night but couldnt keep himself away from posting in the thread

And another where he exploded emotionally out of nowhere because he found the game unfun because the high posters are all towncoring each other which meant the wolves are either all afk or that he couldnt convince people of his uncommon scumread and he would lose because he cant justify not chopping the afk posters who would be town

Those defenders could also be wolves defending buddies as well. You need to use your judgement on who to exe, not go by who is no one defending.


Sulit is my 4th at the top, its not low. I haven’t seen sulit as wolf yet and i’m not that familiar with her

There were more trs on beancat. Im not sure i remember the names though

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i was gonna question this because it includes you
but i think it looks better by sticking to the script instead of saying third to really rub it in

i havent had a lot of games with her and i think shes pretty townie

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Going to call it a night now so good ni GB ht everyone. :sleepingleafeon: