Percy Jackson and the Olympians FM - Town wins!

Sort by post count become werewolf expert

Go read my posts again

My literal point was “why are u doing this at all”

the same reason you did.

I find myself disagreeing more often than agreeing with bean but i dont attribute that to her being mafia, no. She could be but not because of that

And the answer is primarily “enjoyment and fun”


im saying the reason she got aggressive is unfounded, and that would come from a wolf who doesnt bother reading a towns post more likely then not

town has the goal to isolate information and make informed, thought out judgements on other players
she’s not doing that
i dont think its towny from my relative lack of meta understanding of her

Atlas have some meta


nya nya nya nya

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has leafia been here

Me flying off the handle at any mention of sbpc is quite NAI

I suggest u move on

i care about how you approached it
i know very well you dislike it, but i dont think you’d have a shotgun eyes bursting out reaction of “postcount being discussed” and jump into thread

rather you’d. read the whole paragraph
which you did in the post you quoted

i have the greatest showman bar song stuck in my head

Activity is sometimes alignment indicative

the other side

I have my music league submission stuck in my head

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I just realised there’s an appropriate Death Grips song for this theme that I didn’t submit. Chat do I have to commit to the bit

legally i don’t think i can comment on this for game integrity reasons