Percy Jackson and the Olympians FM - Town wins!

no reason for it not to be
heres mine

if youre gonna kill me make it quick

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i dont really need to explain why i trust sulit.

arctic isā€¦ a confusing case. i canā€™t say iā€™d let him live inā€¦ elo? due to his read on me being pretty terrible (he disliked my entrance and tried to hook into the fact i mildly nulltowned luxy as ā€œbasic w/w behaviourā€ (arctic knows ive been playing the game for three years. iā€™ve never lost a game as scum, and heā€™s never found me as scum.) probably go for luxy for the next execution just to see what happens, but i do think he is possibly town and my death didnā€™t just set up some genius level masterminded chainsaw on me, cause thereā€™s really no need to. if he starts leading more after my death (and sulit after me) and he starts making town lose a lot kill him. this isnt an excuse for cowardice either.

tutuu is. bleh. i hated their second half of the day but they had a good first half. iā€™m not exactly a great tutuu reader so trust your judgement on them.

kiiruma was in my hood. obviously. we didnā€™t talk about all too much, and if he says i said anything to the effect of whatever heā€™s pushing in there heā€™s probably just lying, i didnt really state any opinions in there. we didnt role share but he asked me about planning actions which i thought was kinda weird due to the aforementioned not rolesharing but i thought he was good today. you should compare him getting defensive here to fam3 (which he was good in, its not that far into his d1 iso) and in that one game that achro carried (ā€¦hells echos, i think)

apprentice just had a very solid iso. thereā€™s not much to explain on him. according to may he had the correct read on pandora, he came in halfway through the day pretty well, stuff like that. keep a close eye on him, heā€™s the first person iā€™d look at if chainsawing through lhf doesnt work (which, to be entirely honest, is probably the entire gameplan for the next 2-3 days, that even id pull if i was still alive)

may had a good reaction to beancat pushing himā€¦ thatā€™s about it. iā€™m not going to pretend i townread him as much as i did alive so tutuu wouldnā€™t kill me, but i think heā€™s developed enough as a player to realize that ā€œhey, people townread me when i get emotionalā€. please re-eval when he gets less sick

if wagons are w/w (or even if they arent) moose couldā€™ve just been lying to bus leafia (which she wouldnt have approved of, but its not like she had a choice). this doesnā€™t really sound like moose though, so theyā€™re probably somewhat towny off of the eod shenanigans? iā€™m gonna feel so dumb if they flip here instead of sulit though.

i had a few good interactions with bystander before the first 24h of the day, and she was the only one to really stick in my mind out of who people think are relatively null. this isnā€™t really logic based, so its out of my field of experience, so take a look at her anyway.

jarek had about the same reasons to townread them as tutuu said about may, which i think maybe makes jarek look better than him, since jarek evolves less? im not really good on jarek either when they arent being super obvious

ash is. better. than virtious. iā€™m not in the physical or mental state to look through his other wolfgames games, but i think heā€™s probably the only person iā€™d state to be solidly null (since we have so many townreads)

arctic scumreads luxy! the wagons at eod kinda felt weird! stuff like that. i dont have much else on them, so probably just trust arctic. if i had to pick iā€™d like to see luxy be executed on d2, if they dont get better. if they flip town just move arctic down a few spaces.

frost is. just idling. i donā€™t really think he cares about the game, which is odd behaviour, which leafia got wagoned and flipped wolf for. he is busy, but itā€™s just overall odd. i think heā€™d care more about the game if he bothered to sink his teeth into it, which he tends to do more as town than as scum (i think i (cyanide) pushed him for something similar in ameliaā€™s weird multifaction jackal game, and i was right there so)

pandora is just. the slot isnā€™t very good. she had a very weird response to her votes, her townreads are mostly without explanation (not even a weird one, justā€¦ no explanation). may says he nulltowns her but i dunno how to feel about that. kill her later on if may doesnā€™t object or if she doesnā€™t get better

illwei had just a bad day overall, i think, and their entire eod was pretty bleh too. dislike

Why does everyone think I am going to kill, stahp

i donā€™t think apprentice is mafia
especially not if luxy or atlas also contains a wolf. he was playing yesterday incredibly pro-town. its a bit more questionable if luxy is town but if pandora is v app was the only person seriously pushing that as well as alternatives


im eating dinner, iā€™ll bbl

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that included several pieces of information i would not have liked to have shared

id like protection on tutu btw

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ā€¦no death?

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Sorry for being absent yesterday yall, I was not doin well

wagonomics go brrrr


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i donā€™t like this vote :orangutan:

also dont think youā€™re doin too well

good morning

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For the record I voted Leafia because she was obviously mafia and not for the tie meme

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I can pull quotes but it will take me time on mobile

Atlas is mafia because of her interactions with Leafia

Leafia spewed Atlas mafia by saying ā€œAtlas is looking sussy, CFD Atlas?ā€ at 3 minutes before EoD, when votes were 5-5 between Leafia and Luxy, and 0 votes on Atlas

This is how Leafia interacts with her partners. She thinks in a very 101 / black-white way

ā€œIf I accuse Atlas of being mafia, and I know that I will flip mafia very shortly, people will think Atlas is townā€

Atlas is also mafia because she kept talking about Leafia being coached. Nobody else brought it up. Atlas brought it up repeatedly. It was guilty fonscience or entertainment, because Atlas was coaching her.

When Atlas first brought up Leafia being coached, she used it in a way to push forward that Leafia is blatant town. ā€œWow Leafia, you are so towny, who is coaching you?ā€

Later, when Leafia was getting killed, Atlas said ā€œI couldnā€™t have been coaching Leafia because I wouldnā€™t be doing duch a terrible jobā€.

Its contradictory, Atlas changed her story on how well Leafia is being coached for her gain - first to get her to be townread, and then to bus her / distance from her

Atlas is also mafia due to treatment of beancat. Beancat was arguably somewhat unreasonable in her debate with May. But Atlas tries to spin it like beancat was mafia for it. She pushed beancat for being illogical. Illogical does not equal scummy. Atlas knows this. It doesnt matter if a member of your faction is illogical, you mostly care about their alignment


Im cop ash is mafia


This is me being lazy and just voting off of the small vibes i got EoD yesterday

there were several eyebrow raises at the sulit/tutuu pairing i had ima go find em


never mind i like this one

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a novel

Most of this is going to be talking about Leafia spew/interactions and how eod directs my reads because the latest legacy i gave considers pretty much everything except these two things, so I donā€™t expect my townreads to change too much

I think Leafia accusing tutuu early on of TMIā€™ing sulit town is very likely to make sulit town and also pretty likely to make tutuu town. Leafiaā€™s gut townread on Kiiruma ā€œMy gut is telling me that Kiiruma is a villager atm. Hopefully itā€™s right about that.ā€ is not how she usually talks about partners, so itā€™s a decent look for kiiruma but not something Iā€™m willing to lock in like the previous thing

iā€™ve realized that this is very quickly just going to turn into a wolfcase on atlas and luxy for several reasons. the first thing i want to talk about is the angle from leafiaā€™s side. remember the interaction i had with leafia where she called out me saying ā€œi want to see what you do nextā€ as being wolfy, and not commenting on atlas making the exact same post, despite mine being a copypasta of hers? iā€™m pretty sure this happened because they are partners. even when i presented the post right to her face, she called out something else about it as being wolfy rather than that specific thing. she called out atlasā€™s entrance as being wolfy but then pretty much said nothing about her the entire game until eod when she floated the idea of CFDā€™ing Atlas.

this is a pretty bad look for Luxy because if the wagons were v/w Leafia would just be begging people to vote Luxy, but sheā€¦ wasnā€™t. which is what i think might indicate that the wagons were w/w. consider that nobody was actually pushing for anyone to vote Luxy in the last 20 minutes or so of the day when we had decided on Leafia/Luxy wagons, and none of the people who ended on Luxy were particularly wolfy. i think the first instinct might be to go after Apprentice who pretty clearly preferred Luxy over Leafia but consider that itā€™s pretty likely pandora is town given the way Leafia and pandora interacted, and remember how Apprentice was the one to push the idea that pandora is probably the misyeet wolves were happy with. i think that this was probably correct, and is not something wolves would want to bring light to - so that has me thinking Apprentice is town and Iā€™m going back to thinking that no wolves were really trying to push Luxy over instead, and imo that is an indication that the wagons were w/w. back on the whole ā€œcfdā€™ing Atlasā€ thing, part of me feels like it was designed to spew Atlas town because she could not have seriously thought it was ever going to go through. but, either way, it is incredibly incriminating for Luxy. we have all seen wolf Leafia in domes with villagers - she screams for their heads and spams a bunch of nonsense, but she wasnā€™t actually trying hard to push Luxy over here. she just wanted to survive, which has bad implications for luxyā€™s alignment imo.

something worth noting is that i donā€™t think wolves expected leafia to go over or planned around it - and regardless of luxyā€™s alignment (pending if heā€™s a better role or not) wolves -probably- did want him to go over Leafia given that her position in peopleā€™s reads was significantly better. which, while somewhat hypocritical of me, does have me looking at Atlas again for her Luxy vote when the wagons were decided on Leafia/Luxy. Nobody should be awarded cred for switching to Leafia after Anonymoose ccā€™ed redirector - Atlas in particular is smart enough to realize that Leafia was gonna die there after being ccā€™ed with around 60 seconds left iirc. It especially doesnā€™t matter if Luxy is also a wolf

Remembering the whole segment where Leafia argued with Apprentice about how I shouldnā€™t be cleared if Luxy flips wolf, I think this may just be as simple as spewing Luxy wolf and Leafia not being happy about me being rightfully cleared for it, which also spews Apprentice town. Itā€™s a weird thing for a wolf to harp on about if Luxy is town, and knowing Leafiaā€™s TMI tendencies it does kinda just look like Luxy is probably a wolf here. And, well, I spoke about it in my legacy at eod but Luxy being a wolf leads pretty surely to Atlas being a wolf too given her treatment of him (overly generous townread ā€”> moving him down after being called out ----> trying to rewrite history by claiming she only ever had him as a null read - these are all textbook signs of w/w damage control). I wonā€™t quote stuff here, but please donā€™t just not read her iso because she has 300 posts halfway into day 2 or whatever. if she is a wolf thatā€™s what she wants to happen by re-writing history and hoping people donā€™t check. her townread on luxy was overly generous and she tried to talk it down as much as possible

Some other stuff I thought is worth pointing out:

This interaction feels W/W to me because Leafia does not treat anybody else like this - she didnā€™t randomly ask anyone to explain their reads without good reason, and wolves often get antsy about feeling like they have to interact with each other, and this interaction feels like exactly that. this was the first time she interacted atlas after calling her opener wolfy. they then go on to have a conversation where atlas asks leafia why she finds pandora wolfy, while both of them are parked on pandora. it doesnā€™t feel natural at all. it feels like an interaction that exists just for the sake of it and doesnā€™t achieve anything meaningful

I think the last thing i want to bring up on the atlas/leafia topic is atlasā€™s read of leafia. the premise of her read being ā€œleafia is town unless sheā€™s being coachedā€ both seems hilariously like a read made with TMI and a smart angle to take as a wolf who is in fact coaching Leafia - because it serves to spread the idea that Leafia is posting better than she normally does as wolf and she is thus town here, and also opens avenues to push other people down the line once Leafia has flipped for ā€œcoachingā€ her

i think the main indicator of pandora being v is how long Leafia parked her vote on her and the whole reaction test episode just spews pandora town. i think she is doubly spewed town if anyone else on her wagon during the day flips wolf (which probably is the case). if the game seems wrong and pandora is overtly wolfy or something then itā€™s worth re-visiting but this game would have to be hella strange for her to be a wolf

thereā€™s a wifom with whether or not leafia would actually say ā€œall the wagons are town vote:jarekā€ if all the wagons were actually town, but, even for her i think this seems a bit too much to be true so it still leaves me wanting to kill luxy, especially in conjunction with #1210 seeming hilariously like TMI. also a wifom also with her posts about illwei at eod. not sure what to make of it

iā€™m aware that ash voted luxy at eod and heā€™s probably gonna get shit for that but i actually think the way ash handled it is more likely to come from town than not, but iā€™m not confident about this. i think with at least 1 wolf being wagoned ash is more likely to make some form of stance sooner rather than hedging his bets until the last second - May made a point of this too which seems pretty spot on (though I wonder what this means for May himself lol). Illwei wanted to shut down the pandora wagon when the wagons were luxy/leafia/leafia. if luxy is a wolf too this is a decent look

aside from this, i suspect that wolves are very likely to be in the people voting pandora pre-eod or no-voting because my impression is that wolves were planning on just letting that misyeet happen, especially if the most plausible CW pre-eod (luxy) is a wolf. so, weā€™re once again looking at atlas/luxy but also someone i havenā€™t mentioned until now - frostwolf, who i think can easily be mafia given he did basically nothing except push pandora for no reason and was lacking his usual towny drive and self-assuredness. i do get hints of it though - like he doesnā€™t really sound like his normal wolf-self, which is why i donā€™t want to kill him immediately but please get him to turn it up tomorrow

Anonymoose is obviously town after how eod transpired. Bys and Jarek are still probably town on posting but donā€™t really have anything in their favor from that eod. Kiiruma I have no fucking clue about, as usual. the Leafia wagon pre-tutuu should be clear if Luxy is town. If luxy isnā€™t town then re-visit illwei - not May, because May was also on Luxyā€™s case early on so I think sheā€™s most likely town either way. I think beancat could slot in here somewhere because she honestly just isnā€™t that towny and though Iā€™m not sure exactly if her eod was influenced by irl, if it wasnā€™t then her behaviour could be explained by wolf doomering about w/w wagons. the only thing i think she has in her favor is leafia randomly putting her at the top of her read list with zero mention prior because leafia doesnā€™t tend to treat her partners like that, but it feels pretty weak and sheā€™s just not towny so shrug. if i had to spitball a team it would probably be luxy+atlas and 1 of illwei/frostwolf/beancat. kiiruma can slot in here too, atlas and him townread each other cheekily for nebulous reasons. donā€™t kill illwei if luxy is town, sheā€™s a serial wolfsider and wouldnā€™t have voted leafia + correctly called v!pandora and v!luxy at eod as a wolf

which leaves my poe as

ash (donā€™t really believe it but i can have 7 names not accounting for extra kp)
illwei (sheā€™s prob just town esp if luxy is town but still needs to be here)
frostwolf (donā€™t believe this either but he needs to turn it up tomorrow, otherwise kill him soon)

pandora would be above this but no room. prob donā€™t kill her if luxy wolf tho

Wow this is literally SBPC sans Atlas! I donā€™t think I can do much about this though when these players did not post themselves clear!

my strongest townreads are anonymoose, tutuu, apprentice, may and sulit. bystander and jarek are a tier below. pandora i think still has a small chance of being a wolf but i think itā€™s unlikely. donā€™t ever kill app if luxy/atlas contains at least 1 wolf. donā€™t ever kill may if luxy is a wolf. donā€™t ever kill anonymoose lmao. tutuu and sulit are tinfoilable in lylo i guess - but if luxy is a wolf donā€™t ever kill tutuu cuz she called out leafia/luxy wolf early lol (gonna invoke a vague tinfoil on sulit rn for post-game cred, cuz she responded to anonā€™s cc but didnā€™t move her voteā€¦). re-visit bys/jarek/pandora if the poe is bad. gl

@tutuu there is a reasonable chance that we were right about it just being a team cheekily trying to townread each other but not having the threadpull to do so (being kiiruma/atlas/leafia/luxy - i remember us mindmelding on this earlier) which is still my working assumption rn but i donā€™t think all of the wolves have to be in here, just 1 minimum but most likely 2

luxy should just be a freebie. iā€™m less sure on atlas because i am kinda oscillating between him/kiiruma being a difference check rather than w/w but meh, i think we can probably flip all 3 to bag at least 1 and hopefully 2. but especially flip atlas if luxy is a wolf. please.

MECH STUFF: wow good thing i didnt forget to remove this lol

lastly, remember to ignore any mech bullshit from kiiruma and atlas unless it is literally a greencheck claimed by a completely uninvolved player, they are both players known for curating smart mechanical scenarios as mafia and ā€œclearingā€ themselves off of false mech in rolemadness games

have fun gamers, iā€™m sure yā€™all have this now. donā€™t take my word as the gospel, use your brains. but if you donā€™t wanna use your brains then you can take my word as the gospel. though i just hope you use it to inform your reads especially if i wind up dead despite not really being a main pusher of Leafia