Percy Jackson and the Olympians FM - Town wins!

you dont have to read this right now but pls read it at some point today cuz i speak about everyone i think

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No I actually like the vote, town thinking process


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You what?

VOTE: luxy

kill this then exe me if it flips w to satisfy arctic
i dont have anything to say that i havent said already
i’ll interact with people who i dont have a good read on later

I think Apprentice is mafia due to interactions with Leafia

Leafia said something among the lines of:

You can instead read all posts…

I will bring up quotes. But it felt a bit overdone. Like the way you’d treat a partner. Like you want people to think “Look at me, I am in disagreement with this person”

This is especially true if Atlas is Mafia and Luxy is town. Killing Luxy was the attempt to save Leafia

Kiiruma I’m suspicious of being mafia because I thought the wolf team is trying to powerwolf. They had. Tactician. It makes you think about which one of your wolves are the best. Atlas is the best wolf. If you see your best wolf getting wagoned SoD1 you try to defend them, not unreasonable. They cant win if Atlas gets immediatelly sussed out. Is my thought. Im not too confidnt on this

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im actually laughing after reading this in full i mentioned all of this too lol

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why are you advocating to die if you are self-resolving?


I think I know why

never said that

leafia never does that

never said that

…i beg to differ on this one

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if i was coaching leafia i’d do it differently
i’d tell her to shut up instead of talk more

where are you getting this from

i am probably just right that leafia was being coached.

show me

said d3 didnt i?

give me one night to try
otherwise just kill me off
it’s a fine trade

i kinda thought that leafia arguing so hard that i’m not necessarily clear if luxy is a wolf was TMI that luxy is in fact a wolf and is a better look for apprentice for being on the receiving end of it

i also thought that leafia floating to cfd atlas instead of hard pushing luxy (while probably just antispewing atlas) is also pretty rough for luxy because when leafia is in dome situations she goes down kicking and screaming but it hardly felt like she was trying to kill luxy at all. if the three of them are mafia and she was trying to die/antispewing then that explains it. that said, if the wagons were w/w based on positions in ppl’s reads wouldn’t wolves have wanted leafia to survive over luxy? it depends on luxy’s role if he is a wolf, but i really don’t think wolves wanted the leafia wagon to happen

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I will show evidence

And Leafia does think in a straightforward way. Accusing your partner of being mafia when it doesnt make sense is the most straightforward way to think

Accusing a town member of being mafia, that Leafia had no chance of mischopping, is not straightforward

Is that a joke

then go ahead