Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

Oh fair… but why have that hidden?

Min’s information allegedly corrects the meaning of hidden to directly refer to a coven’s factional abilities rather than merely redefining it.

I really should sleep

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Do what you need to do man

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if I’m alive tomorrow I’ll make more of an effort and hopefully not waste 5-7 hours over having to post a stupid opening post

(Tales of the Abyss’s #1076)
This tracks.

Actually, one sec before you turn in Gorta. Have you shared an opinion on Min’s info?
If you have, just let me know that and I’ll find it.


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if it is true it’s really screwy and mostly useless information

I think alot of the information we are getting is generally useless. It either doesnt help or is unknowing if its true or false. Honestly seems like a fear tactic

Cool. I’m of the opinion that Min’s information supports the “Jake is bluffing” world a lot, in spite of his earlier pure vibes.

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Interesting. Care to explain?

I’m treating it all as Savant information. There’s actually a lot of useful stuff here; if not now than later.

I suppose if we knew it was true that would be 1 to 2 truths meaning there are lies elsewhere in said information today, but besides that I don’t see the use

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right, good night guys



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Sure, I’m happy to repeat myself. Jake’s information is highly suspect because he initially claimed he learned that Coven had a factional godfather (disproven immediately because of Gar and Aro’s rolecards), which he then revised ~60 minutes later to include it being hidden. I asked a few people and it was generally agreed that this information isn’t great, and it suggests that Jake is lying about his information.

The reason why Jake’s information is bad is because, even in its final form, it apparently negates any investigatives in the game. He couldn’t explain what he meant by hidden, meaning we were left to infer that it meant the coven weren’t aware of this modifier (which borders on the implausible). If this information was merely incorrect and Jake was truthfully reporting it, I don’t think he would’ve received a corrected version a while later.

Min’s information directly references another player’s information in a way that nobody else’s has; mine comes kinda close, but if Jake’s information needed to be clarified by the hosts why not just tell him directly?

Keep in mind that Min’s information came after I discussed a Min / Jake possible partnership up here (#3640), so if Min’s being honest it looks intentionally engineered by Raphael as a response. This is why I think Min’s information is propping up Jake’s (bad) info.

I realised I miscounted Min calling Jake nulltown; that was for Leafia.

Confirmed Australia is just a hivemind