Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

If Jake is still a no show before Eod, then voting them isn’t a productive use of our votes.


Whose name doesn’t end with the letter E?
Isn’t this necessarily true by default even if Hazard’s evil because Gar and Aro’s names don’t end with that letter?

I feel that it refers to living players, otherwise what’s the point of telling me this?

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I glanced over Jake’s name.
My case in point still remains.

I feel like your information is pretty much saying “Hazard and Jake are or aren’t paired, most likely aren’t” in that case. Still, it makes me feel better about my own info.

I’ll wait for the hosts to answer my question in my rolecard. Tbh I have a hard time believing that I’d be told this by Raphael, if it wasn’t implied to refer to living players only.

I was gonna say. “Isnt Jakes the only name that ends with e.” Then I remembered i have a full username XD

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That is such a weird fucking statement tho… for that to be false that means me and jake are both evil together (which i will happily clarify is definitely not the case) or one of us/ none of us…. You see i dont like raph’s statements

They seem to broad…. Theres no way to decipher a false one from a true one.

Like mine that says talking bout conversion is useless. And gorta’s that says “connersion is real” there is physically no way to decipher which one is true and false. Physically impossible

And then the one for nuto self voting. Thats just basically “Nuto can be good or evil”

I feel that figuring out the true statements from the false ones requires everyone to out their info.



  • me and jake are evil
  • me and jake are not evil/ one of us is evil

It doesnt help till we either A get all the statements which i bet for the life of me scum aint sharing theres. Or B. Kill both me and jake which at that point it’s useless information anyway

I doubt scum’s gonna do that.

And even then Crich.
How do we decipher between mine and gorta’s which is literally hot and cold.

Actually… i guess we could remove mine and gorta’s message and focus on the 10 actually. There will have to be one true and one false between us two in turn if we remove those two statesments it shouldnt effect the rest

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Sure I wouldn’t mind doing that some other time, once I’m not tired.

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I’m a fucking ninja

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When my dear Magnus have i ever cased anyone?

I called Aro scum because i was scum reading them. Correctly.

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if you have a Message from raph post it in here. we can decipher what they mean when we have all of them. each player should most likely get 1 plus the one in the public chat. (12 statements all up
“This current conversation is absolutely useless”

*In reference to a chat about Conversions