Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

some of it does


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couldnt have said it better myself

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Magnus (3): Leafia, Zenon, May
JakeTheWolfie (2): Magnus, CRichardFortressLies
crazynuto (1): min
Sleep (1): guavagudetama
Gorta (1): crazynuto

Not Voting (3): Hazardwaste, Gorta, JakeTheWolfie

Itā€™s the Daily Bubble!

A unit of measurement for electrical engineering?

What ?

That is correct.

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Why couldnā€™t it just be anti-spew? Of the four you named killing Leafia makes the most sense, but wouldnā€™t it be more logical to assume that Jaiden was shaded and then killed intentionally to make the writer look uninformed?

Technically Gorta could be making up the message, but I donā€™t think heā€™s the sort. Nor does it much resemble his consistent lower-case posting.


Oh yeah, why arenā€™t Hazard and Gorta voting

Continuing off from thisā€¦

Assuming the above is all true, the writer didnā€™t attempt to make their message resemble Gortaā€™s style of posting. So wouldnā€™t it be safe to assume itā€™d come out sooner or later?

it could very much be. but i am more focused on where the message places people and who the message leaves out. a scum would likely A. not put themselves into the scum or the Good reads in this message cause if they view it as Anti-spew or a back wards reads it puts those people into focus. B. to follow up with A it would make more sense for a scum or the ā€œauthorā€ of the piece to leave themselves out of the message due to them wanting to stay hidden and/or its unnatural and it may have not occured to them that they should have added themselves in

i rarely vote until later on in day 2.

and when i say day 2 i mean the second half of the 48 hours

Why arenā€™t you?

VOTE: magnus

It is Day 3

Thatā€™s L-2. I would like to not be preemptively hammered.

continue reading

i guess thatā€™s fair. iā€™d like to hop here before i fall asleep and day ends or something


Iā€™m special

(Also, not sure who I should vote, considering that, again, I have about 1.5 hours to play this gamr per game.)

1.5 hrs? damn man