Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

For balance to throw doubt on cop checks.

Already used or won’t flip.
This really isn’t helpful. Min’s information has to be fake I knew it from the beginning Raphael is just messing with town.

Gar had an ability that outright revealed their role’s alignment though.

Yes only to their target unless I got it wrong.

I don’t think that matters. At best that chosen town player, if they see this role, outs their information eventually and never dies to confirm it, and the player with this role can never claim. Gourmet Guy can’t just not ever mention their dinner options because a player out there designed this role and would thus know the best ingredients to put together, either for themselves or to advise others. At worst, it’s a 1f1.

Guava being assigned a factional godfather expects me to suspend disbelief if it’s a passive, and if it’s an active ability then well played on that timing. If it was random, what purpose does it serve to start the scumteam with a starting strongman and detection immunity when however few players are alignment investigatives?

Actually, tonight should see more activity with the timezone change. That should indicate whether EODs have been quiet because everyone’s asleep, or if pushy players haven’t been making them.


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If you say so.

You know that I’m most comfortable as scum writing long walls and making authoritative readlists and statements. The kinda casual sleepy realtiming and throwing out randomass reads is what’s hardest for me

My iso gets More dense, with More longposts and fewer oneliners, the eviler I am. This is not evil May behaviour

It’s not even like knowing invalidates the tell. I knew in WW, too. It’s genuinely just what’s easy versus difficult for me

I’m aware, but I’m buying time for myself while I think of things to say to fill in the gaps of nothingness when I’m around.

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You evil?

I’m good.

Good as in alignment, or like “I’m good” as in the phrase, or

I would say both? More so the former than the latter, but that’s not about the game.


Hmm I think the lack of thoughts in my head is again likely a consequence of self-neglect. Last time I turned off mafia adn slept and ate I was able to spot Gar. Perhaps I should do that again

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Pro tip: Don’t neglect yourself.


Is Nuto evil