Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

The tortellini that is

Today doesn’t feel like a XELO scenario. There aren’t enough voices throwing around options of what must happen today.
Would anyone here even do that?

There would need to be 4 scum on the same team. There would need to be 6 scum in a 16 player game

I know how to be forceful when I need be

I was thinking convert compensation + possible extra kill, if someone had an ability like mine.



They are ever so slightly undercooked

You mean you weren’t thinking about that?

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Why is it a green check

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Do I sound Like I am doing any of that right now

Cook them for longer then.

I already put butter and cheese

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You don’t sound particularly fussed right now, to be honest.

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I am free of the tyranny of thought

i think i had stroke reading the last few messages. are you guys ok?

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Magnus speaks for me

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I thought we dropped that bit forever ago.

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I feel that if min were non-town, what’s the point of the FPS on May especially after concluding the latter was town? They just denied themselves a mislunch in that world.