Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

VOTE: Crazynuto.
There are multiple options here, and I want to start tinfoiling w!Min personally, but I think as of this moment Nuto is going to be my vote for the sake of garnering reactions and reviewing wagonomics.

Nuto slipping his lack of TMI regarding the director’s thread no longer applies seeing that two low-activity wolves have flipped. Nuto has demonstrated preservative behaviour which is at odds with his apparent willingness to die, the latter of which isn’t actually alignment indicative seeing how he acted similarly during his last wolf game (which was BOTF but nonetheless). Their willingness to die in response to shade from me is also weird if they don’t actively townread me, which they apparently doesn’t according to their commentary on my information yesterday. Nuto also has equity with Hazard in his readlist, so this is currently one of my main worlds. There’s another world where it’s Gorta / Nuto, or Min and someone maybe?

Corporate needs you to find the differences between (#1726), (#3341) and (#4178).

I shared some thoughts when I entered the thread today if people are curious, although there isn’t a whole lot more. I think something is terribly wrong today and this is where I think I want to start with solving.

My family wants to watch a movie with me tonight. That’s fun.

I don’t see Leafia and Guava as 2 wolves stacking their votes on me, and if I’m right one wolf voted me and the other stayed off my wagon avoiding Zenon and myself fighting, then Nuto is my top suspect.
VOTE: crazynuto

I don’t see Leafia as a wolf here, because they outed Gourmet Guy as coven and I doubt they’d want to do so if they could avoid it if they were partners with Garfooled.

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There are a few considerations. If Nuto is a wolf, he’s playing better than he usually does. He’s been averaging 20 posts a game, but from last night he’s averaged 28 per day. He’s sharing more opinions than usual, he isn’t fluffposting as much. I’m not sure how May caught him immediately in Nightmare Woods, but he feels different here in a way that more so resembles Popcorny where I also suspected him. This is a placeholder vote until I’m feeling someplace more confident.

Glad to have you onboard. Leafia’s been clear since forever.

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Nuto would have probably learned to post more as a wolf from past experience.

I wasn’t a player in BOTF XVII, but from my perspective as a host he seemed widely townread until mid-D2 when he slipped up as an evil twin. Was that the first time he was suspected that game, or were there other things before then?

I have been very clear that Nuto has a volume tell, so I can buy him posting more to make up for it. He isn’t posting an ungodly amount more, but that probably wouldn’t be natural for him so I think it’s fine either way.

I’m watching the movie now so see you later. Ciao.


If there was a wolf who voted me D2, it would have to be Guava from my perspective. Right now, the fact that mech is the only thing going for them as far as I know is concerning when we might have a Godfather in this game.

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As for why I think Magnus is town from EoD3, it’s because there was no serious effort to move votes off them unless you include Leafia, and yet they’re obvious town from the Gourmet Guy reveal.

Both Garfooled and Arogame were AFK/didn’t touch Zenon and myself during the drama, so go for the slots sidelining during a town vs town fight and you get the scum. Easy as that.

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And just when i thought you jumped off my ass you came back for more.

Very much so likewise.

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ight time to do some reading. and my choices are

Magnus, Nuto, Min and… Gorta woooo

Why isn’t Guava on your list?

weird question?

why does she have to be?

As far as I can tell, the only thing Guava has going for them is a green check and for all we know Godfather might exist.

i am reading through the iso’s of people i have in null or am very confused with where i wanna place them. Its no secret i am feeling really uneasy about mag so i am iso-ing mag, and their current vote. Then i am iso-ing someone i know nothing about and the person most people can’t decide it town or scum

i know. but like… its weird that your trying to force a name into someone else’s iso list.