Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

For the sake of devil’s advocate, there have been very public gift announcements.

And what’s your conclusion?

True but without telling anyone who was giving them besides the ones that get the gift.

Simply. I dont know why people are still following you when you havent had a correct read this game. And anyone who has put effort into making a scum case into you is 5 feet under

How do you know if my reads are wrong? I haven’t cased a wolf before anyone else and pushed them to death before anyone else yet, sure, but that isn’t what you’re saying here.

It’s almost as though I’m a cult leader (not a claim).

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The one wolf we got executed was gar and by rememberance your words were some where along the lines of “this is the better of the two wagons” when you voted gar. The way it sounded you would rather someone else and not gar

And all your other pushes have been town.

Cause they flipped town during the night or during the day?

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That’s what happened, yep. I voted Gar earlier in solidarity of May’s case, about halfway through that day, then moved onto Zenon because she was my own scumread. At EOD, I moved onto Gar because it was between them and CRichard, who I townread at the time. I did not actively scumread either Gar nor Aro, and I did not expect them to both be evil.

My townreads have, to the best of my knowledge, been mostly correct.

Hmmm, what does everyne think about the possibility of a Magnus/Crazy scumteam? Just got a tinfoil that it could be the case.

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Was my scum team up till mag started pushing Nuto

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I can earnestly confirm that Nuto and I aren’t partnered.

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If you say so

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I have never lied before in my life.


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Magnus/Nuto have stacked votes on Min. Usually that would lead to me unpairing the two, though that might not hold here as they wouldn’t want to bus each other today if that’s the case.

is there a possibility for a Magnus/Guava scum team

Funny I already discussed this possibility with Magnus clearing their buddy with a “green check” in that world.

Ahhhhhhh fuck it VOTE: Magnus

If i am wrong i am gonna be wrong my own fucking way