Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

I’ve seen enough, I’m satisfied, I am very fine with killing either of them

Fair enough
See you tommorow
Or I won’t

Probably won’t

For once
Don’t blame me once I die
And if you really feel the need to, listen to what I said beforehand

literally will blame you as I’m only voting you for what you’re doing right now

like these
these comments don’t need to exist no matter your alignment


Can’t vote me twice

/vote Eli @Host_Account_5
gonna vote here as Eli is honestly a lot more useless than Squirrel and Atlas are on the contribution scale + he still has a chance to be scum

There’s ways to properly read me
Annoying me for things I have a reason for doing isn’t one
Assuming I don’t at least think I do is pretty bad
Id say PoE works, if excluding people for things like gut is bad

If people weren’t excluded for bad reasons*
Phrased it weird

You don’t have a reason though!
You’re just doing stuff that you have no reason to do if you’re Town??

It’s 8v1! How many times do we have to specify this

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I think I have a reason at the very minimum

Since this isn’t going to stop, I’ll say what it basically is

I want nightkill to fail or target players not needed to nk

Its 8v1, yeah
But town is very, very capable of fucking it up

Especially for what I’ve seen today, it’s possible it won’t go well
An extra day or a few players being confirmed can help

It’s literally ur fault if ur town, I 100% blame u


i am in shambles

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sorry I’ve done jack shit today i’ve been hanging out with my gf :heart_eyes: :woozy_face: :woozy_face: but heres my catchup post and then after I hope to ISO some people looking for LW signaling

omg so true :heart_eyes: (even tho I’m not convinced on u but u got everyone else right so:P

marl are you still acrtually on this like I guess I wont blame u since only LW left but come on

iirc moose did a whole lot of lw softing but I need to double check

I don’t know if vulgard is “obv” town but like squirrel said if they live to f3 thats going to be very hard to explain

just add me i’ll feel more motivation to do stuff during the night if I can share it with people so pls

i dont wanna :angry: (yet)

dont worry they didnt

I don’t think its that bad of a pick if the LW had later numbers bc it probably wasn’t picked, but it’s also just as possible tbh that the LW is just vanilla

what specific reasons do u have for killing atlas over anyone else?

i really dont htink we kill quirrel I think he was probably checked during the night by wolves and I think he’s town

this is great I love this

i dont think you actually think this

then again this is kinda exactly how u acted in SCP fm when I pushed you

just be town and dont die?

i wanna kill atlas bc it feels like hes given up and I mentioned that how he acted with moose reminded me of SCP fm, it really doesn’t anymore bc he was HELLBENT on getting me killed in SCP fm (even if he had good reason tbf) and in this it just seems like hes giving up and trying to make it seem like he wants to die, and why would a LW want to die?

anyone get what I’m saying?

members of town when people don’t act the exact same in every single engagement:

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