Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

i think they didn’t know

i think after checking squirrel and (possibly) ranta they didn’t know and since their n3 check is irrelevant it’s safe to assume wind didn’t care anymore because there wasn’t a particular person she needed to make look good while going down

her defeatist attitude checks out

sure she could distance with sulit (and she even did by voting her) but sulit wasn’t endgaming basically ever with the way she was posting so it wasn’t too important

these are my assumptions
basically wolves didn’t know


there’s one thing that may be in my favor

wind has repeatedly tried to pocket me this entire game
if she ever thought i was lw, she wouldn’t try to pocket me

You just stated that they had no clue

so if you disagree with me and think the wolves might’ve known the lw’s identity, or at least had a suspicion, then wind trying to pocket me instead of trying to work with me (different) is probably not how she approaches her lw candidate

i wasn’t finished

Continue then

i say probably because it’s not lock clearing but i do think it matters

basically if you think i’m wrong in saying wolves had no clue then i probably look a bit better given the fact wind tried to pocket me which is not what she’s supposed to be doing if she’s mafia
she’s supposed to make me realize she’s scum without outing it to the rest of the thread

i don’t think this is super convincing but i do think the point exists

and i think the wolves didn’t know anyway, this is just if you think i’m wrong

i think this is legitimately the best argument i have made in my defense for this entire day phase

go me
nevermind the fact it relies on me being wrong about the theory i’ve just presented

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I think you’re right about mafia not knowing but
It’s still worth considering

let me go back to that
actually, if you believe that, marl’s play in this game suits that description better than mine does

marl has continually pushed one player (who is town) and rarely gave thoughts on other players. in fact, he said he would postpone his analysis of other slots until after squirrel’s flip, which could be construed as a tmi slip (that he knows squirrel won’t end the game) but realistically i think it’s just an excuse for him to keep doing what he’s doing without having to put more effort into surviving

since we didn’t flip squirrel for a long time, marl continually had the same excuse - “flip squirrel and i’ll actually play the game”

you may also remember that marl outright refused to contribute anything significant to the game on both days when a wolf was button clicked and gave the “a wolf’s already outed and we’re yeeting them, why should i do anything” excuse

at face value it looks decent but if you think lw would use a hands-off approach then marl’s is significantly more befitting of that description than mine