Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

i realize you never said that the lw did nothing in this game specifically, but i’m just giving you something to think about

Yes, this is the major thing I suspect him for

I hope town Marl would be
Actually doing something and not be coasting all game

yes but if i think squirrel is scum and there is 1 scum by association vulgard was town

Day 7 Vote Count

Voted Voter Count
Marl Vulgard 1/3
Not Voting Marl, Atlas, Youbutworse 3

Votes are locked once submitted.

wait wtf
why did you vote already

oh yeah
i didn’t realize votes were locked because i have never been in a locked votes mylo in my life

this is just false

if it’s atlas we now have a 50% chance to lose even if both ybw and i figure it out before eod

depends on when you ask i guess
you did give thoughts early but as we button clicked more wolves you gave less

wow i wonder what the correlation there is

should’ve probably used a better form of expression than rarely

it turns out days where the outcome is preordained dont matter in the slightest

i mean
more wolves = more info to solve with = more stuff to talk about
you having the exact opposite curve isn’t something i’d call super villagery

they don’t in terms of “who do we vote out today” but they do in terms of “what’s the rest of the team”
you persistently pushed squirrel after every flip we got

how do i have the opposite curve
also you’re missing the entire point of the game of mafia with this
it’s figuring out who is a wolf and then convincing people to vote them

i had already done step a and step b was meaningless because we had cops with red checks

i’m actually malding that you voted this early because i’ve been asleep for like half the day phase so far and haven’t had a chance to even say anything

if you’re a wolf it doesn’t matter but if you’re town it means we have a 50% chance to lose even if we play perfectly from here out

not to mention atlas being like "tell me why you’re towny’ is the easiest wolf approach in lylo of all time and you let him goad you into voting me with it while i wasn’t even in thread

like jesus christ

all he had to do was keep the conversation about not himself despite you thinking he’s the last wolf and that’s all it took to win