Popcorn - Turboer Edition (Mafia wins)

I already clarified why I disliked the initial resposne, and my other category of “if they say they townread me thats bad” was not satisfied so that iddn’t feel more prevelant. Like I didn’t like their answer still until they clarified not bc it was what I was looking for but bc it was scummy to me for a different reason.

Zug’s what

Did you have “if either of these people townread me right away without properly explaining it, they’re evil” at the forefront of your mind when you posed the original question, only to be briefly distracted?

I think thats a good way of putting it yeah

GREAT news

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I was specifically fishing for someone to say they townread me super early. I didn’t really care about the answer that much past that until may posted and I was like “mmm dont like that”

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The Amazing Digital Circus - Vigilante 10’er - Game Over, Mafia Win

Just this individual post alone was very amusing due to the nuanced perspective it provided on past usages of specific phrases, and the context in which they were used. While the relative phrase itself was NAI, the context in which it was said might not have been pointless and Zugzwang took that to heart. This was a brilliant message.

Zug is my favourite I love Zug this post is great

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But May gave you multiple townread points right off the bat, even before you made that question. How did that flavour your understanding of their slot?

I read those townread points as “this is a towny thing youre saying” which is what gave me the idea to ask the quesiton in the first place bc I felt like may was being wishy-washy about my slot and I thought if they stuck to a townread they were probably scum

Then the memey answer made me mad even though it was probably nai on reflection. I’m trying my best to seperate my intial reactions of how I feel about something from whether or not its actually scummy and let me tell u I am failing

Really towny get LOTS of townread points you aren’t keeping pace

Like for me most of the time I primarily work off finding things I think are town indicative, and a failure to demonstrate yourself town is what is wolfy

I think I am giong to go to bed now bc it is late for me, idk when ill wake up but I do hope theres a shot by then bc I prefer this game be oversooner rather than later


It’s possible to have something bring you minus points but what’s really damning is just not going up

So a null slot will still do SOME towny things just not enough

…I don’t think I inherently believe you premeditated seeking a pocketread, as initiated by mention of May’s townpoint statement. I have two reasons for thinking this; firstly, I never answered your question; it seems standard that if you’re baiting a specific response, you would drill for one before explaining your reaction test (particularly when it’s in isolation like this, unless you no longer feel as though it can be relevant).

More importantly though, you just neglected to clarify which specific sort of read you were looking for when you had a perfect window to do so; for several messages until (187). It seems just as plausible that you didn’t have a fully realised image of what you wanted to achieve, maybe just a vague sketch, and then filled it in later.

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Like ignore that I’m doing this graph on my connections but. Dotted line is par to be out of PoE. You must do X towny things ON A RATE BASIS to stay out of PoE.

Green line is a towny person, they’re consistently getting +townpoints and keep pace with par. Very towny

Red person is wolfy. They’re rarely townt and can even LOSE points. Bad

Blue is null. They are still often towny! But it’s not enough to consistently stay above the PoE par, because I expect to see your real towny thoughts shine through more often than I’m getting

This is also why I can townread somebody early on and not find anything new wolfy from them but sitll change my mind. They didn’t do anything ADDITIONAL that was towny. Failing to keep pace with par

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You just made a cameo appearance in my dreams. It was a whole saga but at some point there was a party in my room and there were like 20 people here and you were there and everyone was feeling cold only you were feeling too hot