Popcorn - Turboer Edition (Mafia wins)

Like for me most of the time I primarily work off finding things I think are town indicative, and a failure to demonstrate yourself town is what is wolfy

I think I am giong to go to bed now bc it is late for me, idk when ill wake up but I do hope theres a shot by then bc I prefer this game be oversooner rather than later


It’s possible to have something bring you minus points but what’s really damning is just not going up

So a null slot will still do SOME towny things just not enough

…I don’t think I inherently believe you premeditated seeking a pocketread, as initiated by mention of May’s townpoint statement. I have two reasons for thinking this; firstly, I never answered your question; it seems standard that if you’re baiting a specific response, you would drill for one before explaining your reaction test (particularly when it’s in isolation like this, unless you no longer feel as though it can be relevant).

More importantly though, you just neglected to clarify which specific sort of read you were looking for when you had a perfect window to do so; for several messages until (187). It seems just as plausible that you didn’t have a fully realised image of what you wanted to achieve, maybe just a vague sketch, and then filled it in later.

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Like ignore that I’m doing this graph on my connections but. Dotted line is par to be out of PoE. You must do X towny things ON A RATE BASIS to stay out of PoE.

Green line is a towny person, they’re consistently getting +townpoints and keep pace with par. Very towny

Red person is wolfy. They’re rarely townt and can even LOSE points. Bad

Blue is null. They are still often towny! But it’s not enough to consistently stay above the PoE par, because I expect to see your real towny thoughts shine through more often than I’m getting

This is also why I can townread somebody early on and not find anything new wolfy from them but sitll change my mind. They didn’t do anything ADDITIONAL that was towny. Failing to keep pace with par

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You just made a cameo appearance in my dreams. It was a whole saga but at some point there was a party in my room and there were like 20 people here and you were there and everyone was feeling cold only you were feeling too hot



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Have a good night! Don’t let the monster in your closet bite!


How’s she supposed to aboid the monster its in the same place she is

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This perfectly encapsulates my perspective on the matter, thank you. Generally you reevaluate performances relative to one another at major checkpoints, like when somebody dies, but even during the day when one person spikes over another. It’s fun.

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With that note, I am evil and my scum partner is YBW, this is drastic theatre because everyone says two loud players could be running interference with one another to appear misaligned; except in practice nobody ever actually seems to do that, loud theatre is usually just not theatre, huh.

I was gonna ask u guys when game started how serious u wanna take it on a scale of 1-10 coz i was worried I would take it too seriously and when we have different things we want out of the game that could lead to people feeling upset but looks like i dont need to ask you youve made it clear. Ill try to adjust my mindset about this and try a little harder than i intended

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Purple line is the phenomenon of “early townread who falls off”. They don’t need to do anything in particular wolfy to fall off. They just need to not do anything else towny and par will rise above them

I think you walked into the tryhards convention section of this thread

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I think the awake subset of the playerlist is just all the tryhards

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Going to bed after a long day of hiding.

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I keep almost saying things that are soooo undignity

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I bet tutuu would be scared of me if I didn’t purposefully make myself nonthreatening

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