Popcorn - Turboer Edition (Mafia wins)

THAT’S why I can’t focus on mafia

I would advise consuming food.
Food is good.
Consuming food is fun.

It’s not but it’s laso necessary

Depends on the food, I suppose.

I probably have some kind of condition or something making eating feel bad but I have asked my mom to set up getting me allergy tested like 2000 times and she’s never done it

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This might have been a scumslip, since in that case you wouldn’t be alive to reevaluate in F3.

Would I not?
If you shoot Bionic, and Bionic shoots me, we’d be in F3.

I don’t see a reason to shoot into YBW or May at the moment?

She set me up with a dermatologist appointment for my extremely mild acne though :) That was fine and easy for her :) I did not ask for this and was not aware that was what it was until I was literally on the way there. Iwalked in and was like “yeah I don’t give a shit it doesn’t bother me at all” and she was like “cool” and that was that

I love when straight people have values

But if I shot you, and then you shoot Bionic as per your own outlined kill order, you would be too dead to shoot anybody.

I get that.
My point is that I am planning to shoot the earliest person in that chain who is still alive.

what? like $20?

are you buying people may? :fearful:

has anyone shot yet im bored I just want bionic dead

I mean, we still have 26 hours. We don’t need to rush this.

yeah but im going on a plane tmoorrow n stuff

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@Magnus, thoughts on things?

I was just having lunch and waiting for people to be around. I didn’t want to shoot somebody when they weren’t online.

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